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RE: Four cyclists killed by car attack in Tajikistan. Two Americans, a Dutchman and a Swiss.

in #informationwar7 years ago

Our tourist spots are full of Muslims as well. It was last year in NYC where jihadists ran down 8, nowhere is safe, especially no where that the average person can't carry a gun.


It's pretty safe in rural America still--for the most part. I haven't ever seen an obvious Muslim here, let alone a terroristic-looking one. (If there is such a thing.)

A few years ago I never used to see any and now they are all over. There is a weekly traffic jihad on Fridays.

Lovely. They better hope their crazier co-religionists never pull off a major terror attack that kills thousands on U.S. soil, or the innocent will pay in the ensuing bloodbath, I fear.

Only one teacher from that mosque near me has actually been convicted of terrorism charges so far that I know of. The one in Cambridge has like a dozen convicted.

Scary. Man, I am glad I live where I do.

mostly I feel bad for them, the school across the street has uniforms and everyone is wearing uniforms except for the Muslim girls in their crazy getups, it's bizarre. Funny how the Democrats want to build a coalition of gay rights activists and women's rights activists with advocates for a religion that utterly opposes women's and gay rights.

Right? One of the modern world's greatest conundrums.