This lemon of a human is indeed a disgusting entity - I agree.
Pulling this thing, or others like it off the air - I disagree with. Let the market decide.
Benefit 2 is this: The enemies of humanity self-identify - like the lemon here, but also those who loudly applaud and agree with this traitor. Let them expose themselves.
Pulling the plug on one means pulling the plug on all.
Only if and when this entity is convicted in a court of law can his first amendment right be revoked.
Lemon isn't v bright, nor is AT&T - the mothership of CNN. I see dark days for coming for those responsible.
" I see dark days for coming for those responsible.· well i can but hope that your are right on that call @globocop as I am not sure how much more of this pandering to rapists i can take myself !!