Its All About the Rule of Law and Privacy ! God Bless you and the Country you Love Mr Mike S Rogers !
Q Anon/News Boxes and Boxes In Pursuit of Truth Presents 4 26 19
In Pursuit of Truth
Published on 26 Apr 2019
Joe D - Mike S. Rodgers - ITS HAPPENING! 4/25/19
Citizens Investigative Report
Published on 25 Apr 2019
Joe D talks about Michael S. Rodgers, James Comey, Clapper, and CARLIN - FISA Court 99 page memo is the key! Barr has the krakin'

Yeah look at that friend of Creepy Joe Biden, Barack " I-Spy on little girls" Obama or is it Barry Soetero ? Either way all of these creeps and traitors need to go to Jail at the very least !
so true, top to bottom, world wide, deep clean required... or our great, great grand children will be dealing with this hell again........!
yes exactly @captainperfect could not put it better myself, we need to do this for our children and their children,s children behind them ! Enough of this predatory government of Sicko Satanists!