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RE: Globalism melts as the Nationalistic Populist Politics stands up to Tyranny and the Progressive Mantras of the Social Marxist Left !

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

What a lovely and interesting comment from you @creatingutopia ! I really appreciate your honesty and straight talking in this explanation of your opinion ! The truth is what we call Populist Nationalsim today for me is most certainly not the screaming crowds of enraged and angry people say in the Germanyof the 30,s ! Its more just normal people from all walks of life and even political beliefs that simply have had enough of this clear " big government" plan to steal everything from them by Lobby, passing of laws without consent or approval from them ! People now just are informed, politically more active than I think ever since 30 years and now they come and say Stop to Government run by Corporations for their gain and the loss of the people that are forced to live beneath the dictates of these criminals !

I am not a black booted Nazi by any stretch of the imagination, I am more a traditional Liberal with yes a clear desire for this world to have once more a democratically elected government that is put in place by the People for the People ! Is that really so bad ?? I truly think we see great things rise out of this swing to traditionalistic protection of the people as a whole in all sovereign nations that have for too long been silenced and lost to a technocratic unelected government that does not see or hear them !


Thank you for the response, I appreciate you taking the time to engage with me. This is what I find so interesting about the current landscape and political discussion - "simply have had enough of this clear " big government" plan to steal everything from them by Lobby, passing of laws without consent or approval from them". I couldn't agree more. But it's counter-intuitive because since I am more of a "globalist" in terms of what I think is the best direction for the species to head, you and I are not supposed to agree on axioms such as that. What I'm trying to say here, is that even though we most likely have very different paths for making the world better, and again the information we've been exposed to up to this point is shaping our ideas of what that better world looks like and how to get there - we are not as opposed as the media and social networking would have us believe.

We most likely both are against corporate corruption and political corruption. We both most likely believe that individual sovereignty is one of the highest values. I appreciate that you're probably a good person, and I can see you want the world to be better - I just can't find much positive to say regarding nationalist movements anywhere beyond their ability to bring (some) people together. I think a democratically elected government would be wonderful, but even more, I believe the people now have the power to engage in community based organization and "governmental" functions much more efficiently and effectively than the traditional government ever could. The world is changing, and going back to ideas that perhaps used to be valuable but are no longer really applicable seems to me to be one of the most dangerous decisions a society can make.

So this i found very interesting " I believe the people now have the power to engage in community based organization and "governmental" functions much more efficiently and effectively than the traditional government ever could."
As indeed this clearly for me is a good example on how blockchain technology could be the " transparent openledger" that our society needs to vote on issues of importance in a clear politically democratically protected way without criminal skewing of vote numbers from bad players wanting to skew the results to their benefit! With Blockchain voting there could be no falsification of result data and i think this will be the great step that we are needing to see for fair government of a decentralised nature could function, where all votes and implications of policies enacted could be traced and looked upon by all interested parties wishing to have influence on any given area of policy implementation ! Do you agree with me on this future vision of our political world being based around blockchain world and national votes on major issues??Hi sure no problem the well named i see @creatingutopia)) Good to see that you are open to discussion on this very big and important point on how best humans should be organising their efforts to be safe and prosperous on this little blue planet! I read with great interest your last comment and nice to see that indeed we both do clearly want the same things even though you seem to think that somehow I am on the other side of the coin to you politically !