Libertarian Party 2018 - The race for the House of Representatives - Dylan Robinson for N.H. District 1

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We Libertarians have to stick together and report on our candidates because the MSM will not. It's almost impossible to find interviews where journalists give independents a real chance to get their platform out. Instead, they ask "gotcha" questions and try to make our guys look like clowns, it's been hard. I think that's why people like us came to Steemit and joined the information war, am I right?
Since we have to both vet and promote our candidates this can get complicated, but rugged individualism and critical thinking is what makes a good libertarian so here we go!
Dylan Robinson is the only libertarian running for The House seat being vacated by Carol Shea-Porter this fall and believe me, he has a chance to win. When it comes to his platform and opinions I believe his own statement via social media are very helpful.
From what I've read so far from him I can feel confident that we share a few of the same goals and principles as in 2nd amendment rights, ending the war on drugs and the need for further scrutiny in regard to the Syrian gas attack. As you can see/feel with this article I also believe in supporting the Libertarian Party and stand up for the national platform and he seems to as well. Politics, it's a blood sport, to win people need to support the party when reasonable and thereby get the support from them in return and that seems to be happening for Robinson. As always this needs much more scrutiny, in the digital age this kind of announcement can be a publicity stunt or just the national party throwing a little bit of time and money to get people talking about their ideology.
As more information comes out I will report on it again but I strongly encourage any like minded folks in the area to look into running yourself. A real primary competition would be much more helpful than the act of filing paper work from the Libertarian national office. Please get back to me in the comments if you would like support to do so.
The N.H. district 1 seat is extremely vulnerable and it can go in any direction. Politics is an important topic here and we all have strong opinions it seems. I have run elections as a ward moderator, so I have seen with my own eyes how many people are registered as independents, myself included, and to me that says we are desperate for a choice outside the R and D paradigm. Shea-Porter only won her seat by 1% over Frank Guinta and won't be seeking reelection so the field is wide open for anyone. This district has been a political battle ground and defines what it is to be a swing state, we have gone back and forth from the left to the right every chance we get. Just this seat has seen these many changes since I've been voting here,
:Jeb Bradley R 2003 to 2007;
:Carol Shea-Porter D 2007 to 2011;
:Frank Guinta R 2011 2013;
: Carol Shea-Porter D 2013 to 2015;
:Frank Guinta R 2015 to 2017
: Carol Shea-Porter D 2017 to 2019
If that doesn't say we don't feel well represented I don't what does. How ridiculous is that folks? It's safe to admit we are sick of both of them and would rather have someone new that can represent us better, someone really needs to take the opportunity.
Thanks for reading, I'll be looking into district 2 and the state level races soon. Please let me know how the L party is doing in your area or just the general state of affairs with your 2018 race.
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