
The investigation has issued 17 criminal indictments and has gotten five guilty pleas.

Depending on how those plea deals shake out, some people are going to prison.

I would imagine that the goal is to plea deal the small fish to go after the Killary.
Unfortunately Hillary is coated in Legal Teflon. Nothing sticks.
The evidence would have to be recorded in high def, photographed, witnessed by the United Nations and verified by independent investigators from 10 different countries.

Oh, you may have misunderstood, the investigation I was referencing was the Mueller investigation.

The Mueller investigation has issued 17 criminal indictments and has gotten five guilty pleas.

so right , you stick this on my comment section........... a Yawn ???!!!, no vote ???? just to tell people that what i say is a pile of horse shit really ?? that aint the way to do things and you best explain yourself in words and not some stupid childish animation !!?

There I just upvoted my comment. I hope that's better. ;p

As far as the claims go. These are the same claims that have been made about Killary for years. And none of the claims has yet to land her in prison. If the claims actually had some basis in reality. Then she would of been arrested a long time ago.

How many times has she been hauled up in front of congress over the same crap? And the Republicans on the hill can't make anything stick to lock her ass up in jail? Even with a Republican President in charge.

Is she guilty of stuff? I'm sure she is. Is she guilty enough to warrant a trial that will actually win? Apparently not. Otherwise it would of happened a long time ago.

IMO one of the few things I think that she is guilty of is the mishandling of her email server. There was a point where she sent the server out to an outside tech company for upgrades. And that company was not cleared to handle TS data. If that was anybody else they would of been in prison.

But it is what it is. As far as I'm concerned any Killary news is bs until the time that the news of what she did lands her in prison.

And btw. Martin Freeman is a great actor. Neither stupid nor childish. So here's a more serious animation to see.

Hehe, it will be just like Benghazi and her email investigation, 2+ years of investigating and they didn't find shit... I think this gif is a better choice for this post ;)

You know that this is true @suffragator !1 Its called Bi-Phenol A , it leaks from the waste plastic and industrila affluent and does change the sex of most creatures living in that water, not just frogs ! Also it has the same effect on humans too, when they drink bottles water and eat fatty foodstuffs wrapped in plasitc, lie yoghurt which absorb easily this crap !

If you want to stop corporations from polluting the environment or creating products that can poison humans, you need to vote for government officials that are willing to create stricter laws/regulations that prohibit corporations from doing these things. What is funny about this statement is that there are actually frogs in nature that can spontaneously change their gender to ensure survival of their species

@grey580 you are filled with lies! You sit on a throne of lies. And you smell like onions...

Filled with lies? Yes I am..... but what if I was lying?
And btw the throne is amazingly comfortable. Like a lazyboy.
And I smell like this guy. I use his cologne.

what is wrong with this guy ?? WTF?? Such a bad entity, seems to enjoy pissing on people really ! I mean what does this phrase even even mean ??? " Why express pleasure to alwasy fight with people and make enemies ! Who needs to willingly make enemys ??

"Sometimes the fire you kindle for your enemy burns you more than it does him" - grey580 (60)

Thanks for coming out for me here @captainobviou !! I dont like ever to flag people , but upvoting his own comment to head this comment and take it over with his clearl negativity is not on so now we have both wasted our vote that could have been used for better and more postive purposes (((

And I thought you liked me. I even upvoted your post.

Now I'm sad.

aaaaaahhh shit dude are you serious !! im sooo sorry !! dont be sad please, ill take the flag back ofcourse !! i felt bad as i kind of always liked you too, but that was all just a bit too weird for me ! You dont know what i am living right now, its no fun my end so this was all a bit too much for me too !!

I'm sorry to hear that. Hopefully things will get better.
Have a good one.