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RE: FBI’s Role in Fake News

in #informationwar7 years ago

Yes, I'm very familiar to Soros work... he funds many MANY ngo's in Latin America, but I think there's a whole deeper "thing" into this (for example, how come Soros promotes the "left", being a millionaire (billionaire?) who made its money by speculation. I'll give a look to that link now. Thanks for all your very interesting comments!


I would describe what Soros as doing (with many others I'm sure) is promoting Ideologies of enslavement. Just like when William the Conqueror imposed Catholicism on Ireland while denying the Pope's authority over England itself.

"promoting Ideologies of enslavement" I agree 100% with this...

I will profile someone who elaborates on this subject with great knowledge you might find him interesting his first language is spanish.


Yes, great addition to the informatiowar tag! I was taking a brief look at it yesterday. I'm also familiar with C. Simpson's work, I'll try to comment on it later. Thanks!

who is C.simpson?