Healthy Brainwash: Vaccines save lives!

in #informationwar7 years ago

'Vaccines Save Lives!'

It was the second time I heard the phrase in about 3 minutes. It wasn't coming from anyone real, thank God, but from the television. Now, I don't normally watch TV, but I caught this at someone else's house – a commercial advertising vaccines.
I think it played for 3 or four times in the time I was there, which couldn't have been more than 90 minutes. That's about once, every thirty minutes. Sounds a bit much, doesn't it?
I thought so, too.
Image - Responsible parents, healthy children. Vaccines Save Lives.

I had heard about these commercials, but since I don't watch TV, I hadn't been exposed to them. The first time, it took me a bit unaware, but the second time around, I payed attention to what the woman in the commercial was saying.
It was the usual propaganda – that this or that disease can be prevented IF you vaccinate your child, that some vaccines are free for newborn children and you SHOULD get them. Well, actually no one said you should vaccinate your child, I believe the exact words were vaccinate your child now.

I wanted to attach a video of that commercial here, but it seems I couldn't find it. However, I did find another pro-vaccine commercial, also shown here, in Romania. It stars Victor Rebengiuc, one of the oldest, most well respected actors of our country and his speech sounds something like this:

All the wars in the last century took almost 200 million lives. That's nothing. The pox, convulsive poliomyelitis, tetanus and measles have taken 600 million lives.
But vaccines have DEFEATED all these deadly diseases. And increasingly more lives will be saved IF we vaccinate ourselves.
Vaccines save lives.

Here's the video, if you're curious:

You'll notice that the whole thing is set in an imposing university library, which shows intelligence, authority. You're much likely to dismiss a statement if it's made by someone on the street or in a coffee shop, then you are if it's made in a university, a big library like the one above.
As I said, the man himself carries some weight in popular culture, so naturally, his opinion is well-respected.
The ad also shows videos of various wars – death, tragedy – which are equated with not vaccinating your child. That's the message it sends to the subconscious of the viewer, that opposing vaccines is bad and evil, just as wars were.
After all, you're not going to argue against that, are you?

I'm not writing this post to explain how vaccines are bad. Well, there are oh so many vaccine-related diseases and deaths, of course, but I'm not here to talk about that. Something that particularly bothers me about these commercials is that they are used to brainwash the masses.
And I mean everyone – old people, adults, even little children. Because everyone is exposed to the TV.

And if I heard that vaccines save lives 3 times in 90 minutes, how many times do people who actually watch TV hear it? I mean, if you spend three hours in front of the television every night, that means 6 of these commercials a night, so they hear this commercial roughly 40 times a week.
Now, I many listenings does it take for the idea to become ingrained in your brain? I bet it's not all that many. Because that's how brainwashing works – you're told something and it doesn't matter if you agree or not, you may very well disagree in the beginning. Then you hear the idea a second time, and a third and a fifth and so on. By the tenth time hearing the same thing – vaccines save lives – you won't be as opposed to the idea, because your brain will have gotten used to it.

Ideas grow on you.

And that's something that bothers me. There is the on-going debate (throughout the world, not just here, of course) of pro-vaxxers and anti-vaxxers. Now, that's acceptable, because everyone is entitled to an opinion, even if I consider your opinion to be wrong, I still think you're entitled to have it.
But with this commercial, it's different. Because it doesn't matter if you even care about the debate. Let's face it, there are loads of ignorant people out there, many who are ignoring this whole debate altogether. But they are probably watching television. So, the words vaccines save lives are slowly making their way into these people's brains.

Age of misinformation

Lying is what the mainstream does, we all know that. I was just watching another commercial, from the same campaign, in which a Romanian blogger spoke about why she vaccinated her babies.

I vaccinated them because I'm afraid of diseases. [...] There are vaccinated children who are healthy and there are unvaccinated children who are healthy. The problem is when there is an outbreak of one of the diseases for which we have a vaccine.

This is what she said. Now, if you look at that, you see it's so little information, so little knowledge of things in her head. Diseases – dangerous. Outbreak – dangerous. And these days, there's an outbreak for pretty much everything. There's always one of them happening, isn't there?
And they're all over the news – outbreak of measles or swine flu in X town. And there are so many deaths attributed to these outbreaks. You only have to watch the evening news a couple of times to get the reasoning of this woman.
But I don't think it should be that way. I think you should do a bit more research, as a parent, before putting strange chemicals into your child, even if there's the slightest possibility those chemicals are unsafe.
Do you really want to risk that?

And these commercials – the Vaccines Save Lives initiative – come on as if they were somehow part of the debate about vaccines, but they're not. Because a debate requires rational arguments, facts. Simply saying vaccines are good doesn't work. Just like saying vaccines are bad doesn't work.
It's not part of the debate because the whole point of these ads is to eliminate the debate. After all, there's no need for it. We all know that vaccines save lives, because the lady on the TV told us they do. It's the same voice that does other commercials, that says that X cough medicine cures coughs and Z pills stop diarrhea. Why would the voice lie to us?

I know, it sounds absurd. I wouldn't fall for that. But you would...and it's not the average TV viewer's fault, it's the way the brain works. If you push an idea hard enough and far enough, you can convince anyone.

It's how manipulation works. It's how indoctrination works.

And then, I thought that this is so unfair, because they shouldn't manipulate us. But since when have the state and the state-controlled MSM acted in our best interest? When did the MSM tell the truth?

So no, it's what you can expect from the mainstream. Which makes it our duty to seek out information, to fill our heads. To educate ourselves. It's our only hope.


Very nice post and very informative for me keep posting new ideas like that and keep following @sohailomi

I like your post. If only more people could think for themselves and do their own research.

I don't quite get why vaccination is such an emotive subject. I for one am absolutely pro vaccination after reading, researching and dismissing much of the circumstantial evidence, half truths and manipulative statistics many anti vaccine groups put forward.
I also detest the attitude such as shown by the other post here which makes the assumption that if everyone were to research, they would automatically become an anti vaccine supporter. I reasearch and conclude the benefits far outweigh the negatives.
Luckily in the UK we don't have medical ads! Your point is quite right about people being led by what they see on TV, but that applies to ALL advertising equally, not just in the case of this advert.
Hope you're healthy and happy :-)

When you wade into parents groups on other social media platforms, and hear the deafening howl of pain going up because of how many THOUSANDS of families have had their perfectly healthy babies suddenly KILLED by vaccines, then you will begin to understand why this is such an "emotive" subject.

You say you've done your research. Apparently though, you're not carefully reading the actual package inserts attached to every vaccine. Go ahead. You can download them all. And have your medical dictionary handy, so you can understand that every shot you take is a round of Russian Roulette with horrible auto-immune diseases, paralysis, and death. It's all right there. Many people do lose that bet, and they are speaking out. Are we really a society of human sacrifice, on behalf of a nebulous ideal of "preventing diseases" that indoor plumbing and proper nutrition are already documented to better prevent?

Most people don't like playing Russian Roulette with their babies, and some find out too late. The horror is too great. Bowing to self-proclaimed "authority figures" in white coats with financial conflicts of interest can and sometimes does cost us our lives and our children's lives.

Were you aware that since the public woke up and started reading package inserts, that the vaccine industry has begun shuffling & rewriting package inserts to fool people? SIDS, which was listed plain as day in the DTAP vaccine package insert has been renamed to "Apnea". (I have before and after copies.) Same thing, though. Baby stops breathing and dies. Autism, likewise listed plain as day in the DTAP package insert has been reduced to a mere list of its symptoms. Same lifelong crippling brain damage, though. The industry is so evil, devious, & fraudulent.

Of course we trust Science, Nathan007. It's Scientists we don't trust.

My wife and I are both Occupational Therapists working mainly with younger children on 'the spectrum', and with other youngsters with behavioual and development issues.
Not all of them had the MMR vaccine, one of them had no vaccinations.

Your nonsensical, illogical and ridiculous statements are one reason you will never get anyone to take you seriously or look any deeper into facts surrounding the issues.

Indoor plumbing? Proper Nutrition? in Africa and most of Asia? LOL have you ever been there ?
but hey, not interested are you ? No, youre only interested in your facts which only appy to your tiny corner of your cosy developed world. Look around.
In 2014 54,000 people died of measles, mostly under 5s, mostly in Africa where most of the 15% of children not vaccinated live and many of whom are under nourished.
As you will be aware, Measles was statistically eradicated from North and South America in 2016 compared to 3 to 4 documented cases before mass immunisation programs. This was not from clean water and healthy eating.
I dont care whats in it. I care about kids dying.
The anti vax movement only cares about 'big pharma' yawn..its like a personal crusade. Who gives a fuck how much money they make ? I care about the results of their products. And what exactly is your intended result ? Make all scientific research funded by government ? lol..tell me please, whats your alternative ?

"The horror is too great. Bowing to self-proclaimed "authority figures" in white coats with financial conflicts of interest can and sometimes does cost us our lives and our children's lives." Again, youre great at telling people what not to do, but your alternative is ???

"Of course we trust Science, Nathan007. It's Scientists we don't trust." What the hell does that mean ???

Seriously, stop being so selfish and look at the bigger picture.

Plenty of children have died from vaccines, Nathen. Plenty have been left with Autism or other life-altering diseases as a result. You have to at least consider that. I mean children and teens dying from cardiac problems, something that is not usual for someone so young. All after having their shots...makes you wonder.

I dont care whats in it. I care about kids dying.

I'm sorry, but that is a display of ignorance, in my opinion. How can you claim you do not care what they pump into your children? At the very least, you should have a basic knowledge of what is in the vaccine.
And seriously? plenty of kids, all over the world, have mysteriously died after being vaccinated, don't you care about those as well?

Who gives a fuck how much money they make ?

It's not about that. It's simple logic. If I can make huge amounts of money from a vaccine, wouldn't it make sense that I would want to sell it to as many people as possible? And why just one, why not make one every year, so that I get huge sums of money for each one?
You can, of course, assume that the manufacturers of these vaccines want what's good for you...but is that a risk you really want to take?

I don't see how she is "selfish" - does she personally benefit if you get vaccinated? I don't think so. You know who does? Big Pharma.
Or is she selfish 'cause she also looks at the many deaths linked to vaccines? I don't know, I think those should be part of the "bigger picture" too.

Again, no alternatives are offered.
Or are people seriously suggesting that NO vaccination is a serious alternative ?

And what statistics do you have to back up the fact that 'many kids have died after being vaccinated'. That statement itself is an invalid argument statistically !

How many children have NOT died after being vaccinated? Is there a geographical bias ? Are there any other contributing factors ? The dataset needed to produce some meaningful statistics is huge and there are no meaningful statistics linking huge numbers of childhood deaths or debilitating and chronic illness to vaccination.

Of course the manufacturers need to make money. Its a simple business model except emotion gets involved because its about health. Dont forget, the more they make, the more that gets spent on research and drug companies pay a lot of money to universities to conduct research. Yes, some of them make a lot of money, but not all of them and not always. Again, I ask you for an alternative ?

She is selfish, because she only cares about her cause and doesnt care one jot for parents of kids with autism for instance, some of whom are now piling guilt on themselves and blaming their kid's autism on their decision to vaccinate....She is also selfish because she is TELLING people not to vaccinate. In my original post, I said I'D made a decision based on my research, and I suggest to everyone to do their own, unbiased and objective reasearch..Im not telling anyone to do anything. Using emotional blackmail and accusing parents of 'playing russian roulette' with their babies lives is disgusting in the extreme. As the stats are in favour of NOT dying, to use her analogy, its the anti vax parents who are playing russian roulette.

And as for packaging and ingredient lists, they have to cover themselves against every even minutest possibilty, in the disgusting litigation led, blame everyone except yourself society of the USA, its all about covering your own arse.

Again, no comment on the measles example I gave.

I'm not saying there is zero link to possible death or autism, everything in life can cause side effects, we are all different and there is no 100%. Anyone can create links to anything with enough steps. No one is mentioning the huge and vast majority who haven't had any issues, and also don't have polio or measles and won't get cervical cancer.
The same 'big pharma' that produces cervical cancer vaccines also produces drugs to treat patients WITH cervical cancer..sooooooo they are costing themselves sales by selling the vaccines? As you can see, the economics are not as simple as the anti vaxxers like to present.

Ingredients debate, yet another logical fallacy as many of the ingredients used in vaccines that the anti vaxxers find objectionable are used in cosmetics ( is our next campaign against Big Lipstick?), or in the body as naturally occurring trace elements, formhaldahyde springs to mind as an example of this.

Finally, they tell us the number of children being diagnosed with autism is getting higher and higher....yes it is. Why ? because its being accepted and diagnosed more. Children have always been autistic as we know today, but 50 years ago, theyd have just been diagnosed as stupid or lazy or bad. So thats another common argument that doesnt stand up.

OK so, thats my point. Now, as I asked the previous poster and yourself, please offer us an alternative ?

Nathan007, I never even mentioned the MMR, did I. My alternative to injecting toxins and disease fragments is to stop injecting toxins and disease fragments, AND access to full proper nutrition, which is already documented in scientific journals as preventing and curing these "horrible" diseases. Ultimately, they are all simply the results of malnutrition.

You got something against the proper nutrition of Africa?

What I did mention was the DTAP vaccine package insert itself listing both SIDS & Autism as known adverse reactions of the DTAP vaccine. I mentioned how once parents noticed their own observations (SIDS & Autism from vaccines) documented in that package insert itself, how the industry then deceptively rewrote the DTAP package insert to rename "SIDS" to "Apnea", and to convert "Autism" to a mere list of Autism's symptoms. (Like that makes a difference.)

If you really are reading the research, please pay better attention to the details, and with a cynical eye.

Here are the Before & After copies of the DTAP vaccine package insert.

If you think this kind of fraud isn't widespread in the 100% liability-free vaccine industry, in order to fatten corporate profits, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

Unless of course, you too have a vested interest in keeping the customer base coming for the Occupational Therapy industry.

It is really sad that we spend so much time watching tv. It's an addiction and usually not good like most other addictions. This made me think...and that's always a good thing. Many Blessings.

thanks your post!