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RE: Greta Thunberg Soros supported and very likely funded as well

in #informationwar5 years ago


  1. Greta is 16 years old and though she is very well studied on the subject of climate change, she is not and never claimed to be an authority. She is simply asking people to inform themselves on the data and empirical evidence presented by the climate scientists.
  2. Nobody is using Greta to do anything. She writes her own speeches and follows her own conscience. True, she has Asperger's, and yet, she is poised, articulate, knowledgeable, and passionate during her public addresses. She's an exceptionally high functioning individual, whose integrity, intellect, maturity, and drive is quite obvious to those who aren't triggered by her youthful appearance and unassuming demeanor, as the speaker in this video clearly is. Breath buddy, come up for air.
  3. Greta is not an enemy of the system, true enough. Thanks buddy, for actually being honest. Greta is not fighting the system. She's trying to awaken the populace and motivate the system to deal with the crisis. Nothing will happen until enough people wake up and push for action from the politicians. It will cost trillions of dollars over decades to deal with the crisis and only governments have that kind of money, so we need the governments' cooperation. If anything, Greta is trying to save the system and humanity from it's own ignorance, dysfunction, and corruption.
  4. Greta is getting a massive amount of media attention. Another honest statement. Greta is carrying and publicizing the climate scientists' message about the climate change crisis, and she's obviously doing great at that. Whoops, now the speaker is saying a bunch of religious BS. I mean - wow, just wow!
  5. Greta has assistants, not handlers, and collaborates with climate scientists. But as I said, nobody is using her to do anything. She is following her own conscience, writes her own speeches, and decides her own schedule. Greta is currently traveling with her father, who helps her with proofreading her speeches. Her assistants help with scheduling events, transportation, etc. So here's a picture of Greta and her parents wearing T-shirts that say "Antifascist." They don't say ANTIFA, do they? I'm also an antifascist, like most people. I thought it was a good thing. If Greta and her father had traveled by air, they would have been bombarded by screams of HYPOCRITE by the triggered ignoramuses, much like what happened to Al Gore, who actually was a hypocrite. Even if Greta and Savante had traveled on the KON TIKI raft, the idiots would have accused them of releasing CO2 by breathing, and methane (CH4) by farting.
  6. People are saying you are insecure about Greta because of her youth and gender. Maybe it's the truth. Have you discussed the science of climate change, at all? No, because you have no argument, and that's why you resort to personal attacks. Anyways, you will make a quick buck off some clueless idiots, which is your main reason for making this video.
  7. Did you just say Greta's mother is pimping out her daughter? Okay, that seals it for me. MORON!

This has to be one of the oddest hallucinations I have seen in awhile, you put a bunch of words in my mouth that I simply didn't say at all "did you just say Greta's mother is pimping out her daughter?" no I fucking didn't anywhere in the post.

"This is a DISINFORMATION and PROPAGANDA video." My post isn't even a video, how badly are you hallucinating? WTF LOL?

You can trust your eyes my dude, Antifascist shirt is Antifa.

Her shirt is a popular shirt antifa wears. It also references ",No Parasan" on the shirt, which goes back to the Spanish Civil war where the leftist party took over. They used that saying to mean none shall pass as they killed everyone.

I don't expect most people to know this kind of thing to begin with, it's very drilled down details that take awhile to look up. But she is wearing a popular antifa garment, as well as her parents are in the photos. She posted those photos on her Twitter and later deleted them when she was called out for the violent antifa shirt.

Would be more than happy to discuss some facts but I don't see any of that in your reply.

Sorry, I was talking about a YouTube video and I saved my comment here. I don't think they knew about ANTIFA.