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RE: HEADLINES: Wednesday, June 27th, 2018 - Supreme Courts Votes Against Mandatory Union Fees, RNC Ad on the 'Left' Unhinged, Bitcoin, Supreme Justice Kennedy Retiring, North Korea, Ocasio, Cannabis Legalization, UNCROC, 7 Days for Rosenstein, and More

in #informationwar7 years ago

The Left's insanity was funny for a while... now it's getting old. Soon, it'll be getting dangerous. They want social unrest before the Nov election, because they know they're getting booted from power. They want full on civil war. They are grasping at what ever shreds of power they can hold on to... mainly instigating aggression and violence from their converts. @ironshield


It's already dangerous

Kind of stupid for them to want civil war considering all the powers they put into place in the last decade for the President if he should need to declare Martial Law.

The power to even suspend elections is there. Pushing for civil war is a potential path to an actual dictator.

EDIT: Then if Maxine Waters or Nancy Pelosi are examples then they are STUPID so that might explain it.

We're watching the mainstream Dems backtrack on this, since they know this will not really help them in the elections, might actually cause some moderate Dems to vote Republican. Most people want stability, not riots. Most people are happy with the economic results of lifting regulations, etc. It might be trending among the popular elites to say F Trump and make fun of Sarah H and the First Lady, but for every 1 person approving, there are 12 people shaking their heads, just waiting for election day. The silent majority is about to whisper a very very loud whisper. "Drain the swamp." @ironshield