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RE: Were Nazis Socialists?

in #informationwar5 years ago (edited)

Jordan Peterson declined a debate with socialist professor of economics Richard Wolff.

It has to be said that Peterson debated Marxist philosopher Slavoj Zizek in this 3 hours long video, did you see it?

Socialism, wherever and whenever it showed its ugly face, has failed miserably, he argues. And Peterson is wrong, like too many others.

How is he (and many others) wrong on this? Do you have an example of successful socialists societies?

I don't know what mental gymnastics are necessary to be able to believe that Hitler was a socialist

It is reported by several historians such as Antonio Escohotado that in Mein Kampf, Hitler wrote about first "fixing" the race issue and then going for the property issue. Luckily they were defeated first, but reputable people support the idea that Nazis had socialist/leftists tendencies. The fact they had collective views about everything is a very leftist trend. The contrary would be having individualist views (which result in free countries).

Hitler's misappropriation of the term "socialism" as well as Stalin's and Mao's and Pol Pot's

I ask again, according to you, has there been socialist countries throughout history or not? Because you always point how some countries weren't socialist but you never give a real example of a socialist country.

But he labels himself a Social Democrat, which is kind of misleading in itself as his proposed policies are Democratic Socialist in nature, much like the essentially capitalist Nordic countries

What is the difference between social democracy and "democratic socialism"? What is the difference between socialism and "democratic" socialism?

Sanders is probably social democrat, but his hardcore tendencies makes him call the nordics some kind of "socialism". The prime minister of Denmark even said the nordic model isn't socialism, it is a market economy with a welfare state (which is how I would describe as social democracy)

Sanders was probably a hardcore leftist in the past when he admired the failed Soviet Union (he spent his honeymoon in that ugly country) but his policies today are simply those from social democrats.

I don't believe the best for America is to have that type of system implemented, it might work well in small homogeneous countries such as the Nordics, but in big and extremely diverse country such as America it would probably end badly. Another Trump presidency is what's best for America and for the region (Venezuela).

not much unlike what we experience now all over the western hemisphere

If you believe the West is fascist you are simply an extremely privileged person who has never experienced fascism and is looking for non existent problems in order to feel like you are worried. The West has free market economies, political liberties, social liberties... to think it is even remotely fascism proves you don't know how to identify totalitarianism. The West has always been the enemy of totalitarians and it still is.

It's the implication that the police are on HIS side specifically

Well, when it comes to the police I think they are simply against thugs like antifa who love to attack people with different views, destroy property like cars and also love to encourage police to attack them in order to play the victim later on. Trump is against antifa (as every decent person) and the police appreciate it.

your own best interests if you're not in the same social class as Trump

Poor people and middle class are great under the Trump presidency.

And Venezuela has a big government, yes, but is a far cry from a socialist country.

A lot of private companies were expropriated in Venezuela. If that is not socialism then what is? and how would you identify a socialist country then?

another example of how socialism is routinely demonized and shamelessly misconstrued for propaganda purposes

Not propaganda, socialist movements always end in economic disasters and sometimes even in genocides. It should be condemned and rejected every time.