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RE: Democracy's Last Gasp

in #informationwar5 years ago

The worse chance we have to maintain or gain freedoms is to leave it all to free markets; history proves that beyond any doubt

the biggest destroyers of freedom are socialists don't you agree? the countries with the most freedoms also have a free market economy don't you agree?

Democracy can be destroyed by having a majority of people supporting socialism. Look the tragedy of Venezuela, it is now a destroyed country thanks to the same socialism the people started to vote for in the 90s. Now they have lost their democracy and their freedoms.

So much so that we've given up, and have given our votes to authoritarian, anti-free speech, right wing populists everywhere.

Could you give specific examples? Right wing people usually defend free speech. I only see radical leftists pretending to destroy free speech by saying it allows "hate" speech, which is simply ideas and opinions they don't like. So again, can you give specific examples of right wing politicians trying to destroy free speech?

This is a double defeat, and has all the hallmarks of fascism in its early stages I might add.

Could you elaborate? Do you think every ring wing person is a fascist? Because I think that when you see "fascism" what you are actually seeing is classical liberalism and modern conservatism...

Bernie Sanders is a soviet lover nutjob. If he ever became president it will be the biggest economic disaster in the history of America. I think the American voters are smarter than that.