Great post!!! I hope that you are right, but I am skeptical that the Republicans have the stomach to endure this battle which will most likely take years to win.
That being said, thank goodness Trump won! None of this would have been exposed if he didn’t!
years to win ???? why ??? This mountain of now confrimed hard evidence is undefendable and mark my words this time they wont be laughing their way into power and the bank ! the Dems are done and good riddance they are a scourge to the American people and the world also that they have been destroying with their corruption and mishandling of world events !
I think years because of all of the “establishment” slow walking, spin and obstruction that has already occurred. I also think that there are many career politicians (both Left and Right) that have had questionable activity that they fear may be exposed if investigations continue. I hope that I am wrong but it is just my feeling.
Well tjis may well be true I guess concernig some lesser known individuals and their risk of exposure trting to stick their battens in the wheels of Justice ! But these particular wheels are so big and heavy they risk to lose their fingers when doing so ! But sure I do hear you on that @joelfriedman !