CNN Reporting Live: Hero Saves Kids with His Gun? Gunman Shoots the Killer, the Murderer, the Freak, with a his own gun. Just kidding, the Clinton Not News Network (CNNN) didn't cover it, 24 hours a day, for weeks and weeks, like the Florida School Shooting in 2018 or the Vegas Shooting in 2017.
Because it didn't support their narrative that guns must be banned like guns were banned in Germany in the 1930's during the rise of Hitler and the socialistic Nazi party, which reminds me of the socialistic Soviet Union (USSR) of Russia which began to die and die and die in the 1990's and did Alcohol Prohibition work?
Prohibition Works?
2018-03-21 Wednesday 07:40 PM LMS: Maryland Shooting
Published at 8:18 PM PST
Email: [email protected]
By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
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Good post and I Like it.