
Doomcock is one of my favorite YouTubers :-) "Globalists" and "leftists" are not your enemies, the plutocrats are, the owners of the corporations are. Google, Disney, YouTube, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft... these aren't "leftist" strongholds my friend...

How do you distinguish between plutocrats and globalists? I'm seeing many similarities between the two. Specifically, plutocracy is an aspect of globalism or that of the bigger problems that the world faces. When you say plutocrats, does that mean technocrats, corporate overlords?

We have many similarities, we both have two hands, two feet, two eyes, one head, some hair, nails, teeth... but we're not the same. How do you not distinguish between globalists and plutocrats? Plutocrats are globalists, but not all globalists are plutocrats; erasing borders in itself is not a bad thing my friend :-) And when I say plutocrats I mean capitalists, the owners of the means of production, in the technocrat age and in the feudal age, in capitalism and in state-communism, in kingdoms and in democracies.

I am a capitalist. I love money.