Specific Name:
Castle, I didn't say Corona Virus. I said the "2019 Novel Corona Virus, AKA the 2019-nCoV." They call or called it the 2019-nCoV acute respiratory disease.
New Name
Wikipedia says, right now, "Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), also known as 2019-nCoV acute respiratory disease (2019-nCoV ARD), and novel coronavirus pneumonia (NCP), is a viral respiratory disease caused by the 2019 novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). It was first detected during the 2019–20 Wuhan coronavirus outbreak." So, you are right that it has the official name for this particular corona virus is COVID-19 like you said. Yes, there has many types of corona viruses and the human-based versions were first noticed back in like the 1960's and the animal-based ones goes back a few more decades it seems. So, yeah, you're right that there have been many types of corona viruses. But I was simply talking about the 2019-nCoV which appears to be either the parent version or an alternative name for what is now or has been called officially or specifically the COVID-19. I was trying to be specific in what I was talking about.
Oh yeah my mistake. I also thought that 2019-nCoV was the official name. Not sure why they changed it though.
I wonder if CO-VID is short for Corona Virus Disease.
That's what I thought but that would be strange as I am thinking that a disease and a virus are classically different types of illness.
i agree