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RE: 20 Ways Human Beings Are Being ATTACKED on a Daily Basis

in #informationwar7 years ago

Hey man,

Just read it... most of it is really rock solid... but an article of this magnitude is just as strong as its weakest link as people will be able to "destroy" it with them... and you do have a couple of weak points here.

However, this wouldn't be a problema if it wasn't trending... Heck, if my articles would get near trending I would be burned at the stake myself... just answer people the best you can and you've done what you can.


Thanks for taking a look. I do realize some points were left a little vague, especially to sceptics.
I now know the difference between being having a few comments& hundreds it’s a lot to keep up with for sure.

Again I appreciate the positivity. Keep up your posts, I really enjoy reading them.