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RE: Blockchain as the liberator of the masses from the claws of the NWO

So far, you make the most legit clarity about this topic I can see. I think it's a good idea to have healthy debate about the topic. 3rd density polarities create friction form, form gets stronger, other forms want to control and dominate, human need for control outweighs point of healthy ecosystem; fall of fiat currencies are inevitable... they twist and turn and fall, then there shall be another form that takes power.. form of STEEMIT... lol ( I think it was Tone Vays or one of the big trader guys that said all it would take is one billionaire to throw enough money into crypto markets to collapse or control the entire ecosystem, and it appears of late that Goldman Sachs is doing just this, keeping it all at some bear market jail? I personally have no idea. as I've got gardening to do, and wish only to blog with viable inspiring Stemmians! )


I agree with you @kimmysomelove42

It's a pleasure to read comments. So much wisedom in them.
