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RE: Democracy and Party

in #informationwar7 years ago

First, your metaphor quoted earlier is incomplete,

"Democracy must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner." -- James Bovard

The actual implication of the quote is that the sheep/voters have no choice in the decision.

And secondly, as was pointed out by @aconsciousness -- in his earlier comment -- the United States is not a pure Democracy, but a Democratic Republic -- meaning,

The key difference between a democracy and a republic lies in the limits placed on government by the law, which has implications for minority rights.

And, lastly -- what difference does it make if the voters choices are between the lessor of two evils?

A corrupted Democracy is not democratic, but rule by criminal gangs dressed as politicians, that are puppets for the Corporate Elites/TPTB...


democracy is rule of the majority.
that's the definition.
it's NOT broken..
Just because you don't LIKE the results doesn't mean it's not democracy.
if you want something other than democracy...
say so.

Naw... with politicians choosing voters, through Gerrymandered districts, charges of voter disenfranchisement and voter fraud, every few years I just don't see how we have a democracy as you describe.

Do you think there is too much Big Money in our Government right now, or it's just about right?