A flag is just a name for when you vote something below 0, and an upvote is when you vote something above 0. The steem blockchain doesn't allow you to have both a positive and negative vote cast upon a single post at the same time. In fact, if you flagged at -100% then upvote at 100% you would waste 5.8808% of your voting power as you would first vote at -100 (2% of your VP) then remove that vote (another 2%) and finally vote at +100% (which is another 2%) or 1-0.983 (assuming you start at 100% VP), the full formula is more complex...
My apologies if this is long winded and stuff, I have issues.
Yeah I wa sonly kidding :)
Good to see your autistic powers in action!
Well I gotta do something with it. Why not be a condescending ass that explains everything to everyone as if they don't understand it 😂😂😂😂