Russia's Potential Online Propaganda Strategy Outlined - from 2009 onwards
An anonymous analysis posted on 4chan, March 2022, outlining the evolution, tactics and purposes behind Russia's extensive clandestine online influence operations

1648356594813 #52598233 23rd March 2022
52597947 #
*The answer is that the Russian propaganda strategy was to invest in extremist media in the West. So if you’re a loser you probably like Russia.
It is far more subtle and complex than that. This began with Russian taking over ‘hacktivism’ 2009-2011 and that was their glory days, coming into Syria and Occupy but the forms they had been targeting were largely conspiracy forms, these were already feeding on KGB material on JFK, material from Russian front UFO cults like FIGU and disseminating a lot of the Russian anti-government material, stuff like the CIA are mind controlling you by radio waves form monitors. So they targetted those forums, these were places like GLP and ATS that were already being used by behavioural psychologists to study skitzos and how they spread information. One obsessive compulsive skitzo who needs to ‘belong’ out of loneliness will once turned spam and disseminate more crap than a paid troll factory. At this point the Russians began actually taking over moderation, sometimes by using IRL threats, blackmail etc Back then they were called the ‘blue smurfs’ and they hijacted and coopted most of the most active conspiracy/anti-government forums and sites which had very heavy traffic. So it is more subtle than loosers, they were deliberating targetting skitzos because a skitzo with obsessive compulsive tendencies who is made feel ‘belonging’ will work 24/7. The discords associated with /pol are the same. There are also fake sites like zero hedge, etc etc blog posts, sputnik, RT, that back up the ‘message’. There is an entire proxy VPN network hosted by Russian embassy and trusted expatriates worldwide that is used by the actual state troll farms which go under a bunch of names in St.Petersberg and ‘remote works’ typically people descended from Russian NKVD stock that got into the west from the jewish visa program in the 70s (thus their obsession with,, they had to larp as them to get into e.g australia)
1648356631567 #52598537 23rd March 2022
52598400 #
contd. They also started targetting the ‘prepper’ industry which was heavily connected to the ‘conspiritard’ sites, to swing it towrds primarily being about “American civil war’ rather than pole shifts or solar flares or other bullshit. This got them in a position like with BLM to start actually making things happen on streets in the USSA just like their nirvana moments with occupy. They have ALWAYS controlled by extremist black activism and extremist KKKish neonazism in the USA.
Here is some vital material if you are beginning with this fascinating subject
Book my Ion Mihai Pacepa and Ronald J. Rychlak
Yuri Bezmenov
The recordings of his lectures on Youtube etc.
Love Letter ot America. Los Angeles: W.I.N. Almanac Panorama (1984).
Black is Beautiful, Communism is Not. Los Angeles: N.A.T.A. Almanac (1985).
World Thought Police.
Random example of ‘clubs’
They like to use airsoft clubs a LOT with an unusually old age profile. Often military related activities such as shooting, diving also motorbike ‘clubs’. See pic related, one random example see Russian embassy Romania on facebook.
1648356709173 #52598537 23rd March 2022 52598400
52598233 #
So what for example the full timers do is generate online art banks of memes, that are then made available and pumped out in volume. Remote workers, people connected with Russian embassy ‘clubs’, descendants of former Russian securicrats in eastern Europe, KGB/NKVD ‘family’ who got into the west under cover of the jewish visa programme in the 70s, the actual office workers in Russia and the coopted skitzos/loners are synchronised on ‘themes of the day’. You can watch this happen on pol/ats/gkp/zh/rt like a switch the same articles and themes and talking points appear at the same times. In my country I monitor the political wing of a violent left wing terror group and they were railing against ‘evil warmongering nato’ supplying NLAWS to Ukraine in january, the Russian embassy has a ‘club’ that then facilitates movement of weapons, forged identity cards etc to them, Russian expatriates are carefully monitored and controlled via these Russian embassy clubs that have parties and activates and events. Sometimes they are very successful and it is not always just subversion sometimes it is to make money, like the fake silver pump in 2011 run for oligarchs in London (remember Max Keiser before he went to work full time for RT). That material was dropped by the same channels. They saw Occupy as a huge success but5 the truth is they had ‘blue smurfed’ the old hactivism ‘anonymous’ IRC networks by the time of events in Libya. This is why for example Assange suddenly started redacting anything the Russians did not like, why occupy happened. They went in overdrive of backing Assad of course and there was also a full Assad troll army set up in Damascus working in sync under Russian guidance. Ukraine 2014 was the same. They control the vast majority of far right and far left sites on the internet, the vast majority of extremist terror groups on the far left and right. They aim to Polarise, escalate, accelerate. They have had the “American civil war” theme