As the censorship agenda continues to ramp up and more and more people get censored and de-platformed from social media and other sites for their attempts to combat the lies of the war criminal governments and the mainstream media propagandists I thought I would share my small attempt at fighting the censorship agenda, so my fellow thought criminals, here is one of the methods I am using in order to spread real news, information and analysis.
Now this method may not be great for those that wish to reach hundreds or thousands of people as then it would become rather expensive, but for those like me that have more dust in their wallets than money and who want to spread information to as many people as they can, in my case I am trying to do so in my local area, this may be an idea you yourself can use or take some inspiration from.
I take information from independent news sites, journalists and analysts that I believe to be genuine, and then put that information into a sort of newspaper format, I like to take the information from people and sites that use facts and evidence to support their articles and analysis unlike the mainstream media, that does not mean to say one should blindly trust any one of those sites or journalists, people should do their own research, get as much information from as many sources as possible and come to their own conclusions, examples of newspaper (title page and article page):
I then print out copies of those newspapers and leave them in magazine holders which I have secured to areas using chains and padlocks, I find an ideal location to be bus stops as bus journeys can often be boring which gives a high chance of them being picked up and read, people reading newspapers on buses often leave the newspaper they have read on the bus for others so this gives the copy a high chance of being read by more than one person, leaving them out early in the morning is my preferred method so the commuters have some real news and information to read while on their commute to work or wherever they are going.
As I live in a country that has pretty crappy weather most days I like to put each copy into a plastic sleeve so that they stay dry, staples are necessary to keep pages together, I try to keep the amount of pages to a reasonable number (not many people want to be carrying around a book) which means I have to be very selective in which articles I put in the paper and I try to limit myself to one issue a week to keep costs down.
I would recommend creating a website and/or social media accounts where people can download digital copies of the newspaper to give it a higher chance of being read by more people, like so:
This may seem like a pointless idea to many as the internet is everything to them, but lets be honest, with the rounding up of people into their own little echo chambers on social media and the censorship agenda on steroids that's now running rampant, trying to share information on the internet is becoming much much harder so sharing information in the real world where it is almost impossible for those that are against truth and freedom of speech to censor can only be a good thing.
If you like this idea and think you may try it or something similar I would recommend getting a printer that uses ink instead of ink cartridges as the printing costs work out much cheaper.
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