@libertyacademy’s 2018 Review, 2019 Preview

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)


As I am nearly finishing my first year on Steemit, I thought I’d summarize the very turbulent 2018 and offer a brief outlook for 2019.

There are so many amazing people on Steemit who share a tremendous breadth and depth of information and I’ve learned so much from many of you. So, thank you for sharing all your amazing posts.

To make this post organized, I’ve decided to write it in sections as follows; so feel free to skip to the one you find most pertinent.

And by all means please free to add your comments below.

All the best for you fine folks for 2019 and let’s do our best to continue awakening the masses and being the change we want to see in the world!

  1. My notable Seemit posts, series, and exposes (separate/prior post)
  2. The Markets
  3. Cryptos
  4. Mass Censorship & Social Media Purge
  5. A few notable Steemians with exceptional work
  6. Geopolitics
  7. 2019 Outlook
  8. Special Thanks to all my followers!

1. My notable Seemit posts, series, and exposés for 2018

I’ve already prepared this in a separate post. So please have a glimpse at what I had to offer the Steemit community in 2018.

2. The Markets


The market, stock markets in particular, have had one crazy year with the US stock markets leading the theatrics.

Although pretty much all markets, including cryptos, have been highly manipulated, the US markets take the cake for its level of trickery, fakery, and “proppery “ (this is a new term I am inventing for 2018 – making the verb propping into an adjective). Most of us know here that stock valuations have been mostly propped up by: fake news, deceptive rhetoric by the mainstream and financial media (esp. CNBC & Bloomberg pundits), fake economic statistics, companies’ stock buy-back programs, and the most notably by the PPT (Plunge Protection Team headed by the Fed’s New York trading Desk).

These American markets have seen all time highs in terms of their history (or it may be 2nd historically, not exactly sure at this point with the recent retreat) which makes absolutely no sense whatsoever as the economic fundamentals are just not there. I think there is nobody better to illustrate this than Gregory Mannarino on his YouTube channel. If you are not following him, he is the guy to get a really good perspective on all this fakery. I think he is consistently spot on with regards to the US stock & bond markets.

This week and in early 2019 will determine whether the market starts to seek its true value which would lie southwards of another 20% to 60% in my opinion.

The key question is whether the Fed will allow the markets to fall further. In case you haven’t noticed there is somewhat of a war between Trump or the Fed (whether this in itself is also trickery or not). It seems to me that the Fed’s real bosses – the International Banking Cabal led by the BIS and the IMF – are currently orchestrating a CONTROLLED DEMOLITION, i.e., a major crash/meltdown/reset, whatever you want to call it.

I am not the only one thinking this. Please have a look at the work of a brilliant writer called Brandon Smith from alt-market.com who wrote an amazing article about this very plan by the Cabal establishment:

Here are a few excerpts from the article:

…economic crisis is also a weapon that can influence a population to embrace even greater enslavement while viewing their slave masters as saviors rather than villains.

The U.S. economy today is just as expendable as any other economy the banks have destroyed in the past. It is not special.

But if the goal of the banking elites is total centralization of the global economy, then keeping the U.S. system alive for another decade or longer makes little sense.

The most important being that at this stage the Fed DOES NOT CARE about propping up the U.S. economy, and ultimately, the Fed does not even care what happens to itself as an institution. The truth is that the Fed is working towards an ideological end game of global centralization; this means one economy, one currency and eventually one world government (a plan which has been openly admitted to by globalists in the past). It has no loyalty to the U.S. system, and it will destroy the U.S. system if it must to achieve this prize.

Ultimately, the Fed is a proxy threat. A shadow of the greater monster that must be defeated. Our focus now must be to determine who rebuilds the system after the crash runs its course. This means preventing global central bank hubs like the IMF or the BIS from becoming the dominant economic force in the world. It means a long and arduous struggle. It means defiant structures — localized economies and production, self reliant people providing their own necessities and engaging in trade, and communities formed around mutual aid and security. It means a fight is coming that goes beyond the information war.

I agree with most of what he has written and strongly encourage you to read the entire article as well as the other ones he wrote which are linked therein. This author has been right several times in the past and I’d certainly heed his words.

I will continue on this note in the ‘2019 Outlook’ section below, as I see this particular coming crash/meltdown/reset as a catalyst for a new monetary paradigm shift.

3. Cryptos

I started buying cryptos in January, but luckily didn’t commit too many of my funds. After a wild last few months of 2017, the crypto space saw some highly dramatic moves from peak to trough, so to speak.

I think 2018 in the crypto & blockchain sphere was beautifully summarized in the following article:

Why the cryptos have been so badly bruised and beaten in 2018, I think I can summarize as follows:

  • The Cabal’s US banks finally got their weapon of financial mass destruction – namely the Bitcoin Futures – to push back down the price of BTC (as was correctly predicted would happen by Gregory Mannarino, referenced above). With this, they could tame, steer, and begin to manipulate the crypto markets more easily; and so they did throughout the year.
  • The deliberate efforts of G20 (and other) countries’ governments (the US, UK, & China in particular) and regulatory agencies (not to mention their lapdog social media giants such as Facepuke) to throw as many monkey wrenches as possible with regards to prohibiting, regulating, and demonizing cryptos as dangerous and fraudulent investment vehicles – all in the effort of preserving their own dominating fiat fakery.
  • Next, there are a whole bunch of shitcoins that had no fundamental value and were simply used a speculative bets by the masses who just wanted to make a quick buck (the majority of which got burned I might add).

The good news, nonetheless, is that the space has evolved a lot in 2018. Many 2000.com like projects with no real substance ran out of money and faded away, leaving more promising blockchain projects along with more viable cryptocurrencies and privacy coins to lead the way. It will remain to be seen which of these thrive in 2019 and beyond.

In addition, as the regulatory fog fades I think that in 2019 we will see some institutional money come into the space (notably a lot of that money will seek refuge from the imminent crash/meltdown) and will opt for projects of value and substance. Hence the more mainstream cryptos (i.e., the top 10 or 20 according to coinmarketcap.com) will likely see a surge in buying which could thus push prices much much higher. Of course, this will also jerk smaller projects higher, but I see much more volatility and risk in those for 2019.

Regardless, I think it will be interesting to see which cryptos and blockchain projects thrive in 2019 and how they will reshape many industries for the better. Maybe a decentralized, fair, open, and honest space has a chance against the centralized corrupt powers that be. It will depend on a lot of factors such as levels of adoption amongst the masses.

4. Mass Censorship & Social Media Purge

Western Europe (spearheaded by the unelected kleptocrats of the EU) and the US have seen a dramatic increase in anti-Russia propaganda and mass censorship.

The EU Directive that basically can ban any social media post with any external text, hyperlink, or picture as a copyright violation is eerily dystopian and has obviously been implemented as an additional means of overt control over the masses. Realistically though, I don’t see how they can enforce this new directive with nearly hundreds of millions of users. I think people just won’t stand for it.

The same thing goes for the silencing efforts of US behemoths Google, Facebook, and Twitter. Moreover, they have pretty much become tools of the state and have taken it upon themselves to be the arbiters of truth. It has become most obvious by now who they really have chosen to serve and who to sell out. Their choice will ultimately lead to their own demise.

I had outlined in my post Mass Censorship: The Real Root of the Problem...(and what to do about it) that the source of the problem stems from ignorance. You can read the post to see what I mean by this.

As the power structures (including their mainstream media lapdogs) in the US and elsewhere grasp for more control of the desired narratives, I see them all obtaining the opposite effect and eventually losing their grip on what is right and just.

5. A few notable Steemians with exceptional work

There were many I have enjoyed following on Steemit in the last year. And there would be simply too many to list here. But I did want to list some that I have found to be particularly refreshing and remarkable. So, I will simply list them below along with a few comments on why I really like their work.

  • @krnel: He has consistently (almost on a daily basis) posted very relevant, interesting, and well-written articles that I have found fascinating and informative.
  • @clarityofsignal: His cause was to expose the farcical group known as the White Helmets for which he did an outstanding job. Moreover, he is a very generous and kind guy who has reposted some of my articles to help me get better exposure. For that, I am most thankful and grateful to him!
  • @caitlinjohnstone: I have found her journalism to be top notch and spot on throughout the year. What a gem!
  • @corbettreport: James Corbett is another truth warrior who I very much admire. The quality of his work is really outstanding.
  • @theeconomictruth: My fellow Canadian John Sneisen has put out some amazing stuff this year, especially his posts related to exposing how broke the big banks are. Well done!
  • @jeffberwick: Yet another great Canadian. He has interviewed so many amazing guests from which we can learn so much.
  • @lukewearechange: Luke and his WeAreChange partner Jason Bermas are some of the only guys I trust and find believable when it comes to presenting news events in an impartial manner. Don’t know how I would get honest news fixes without them. Thanks guys!
  • @marketreport: Of course, we can always count on Gregory Mannarino for our daily US markets reports. His generous work and sharing is simply unmatched.

Of course there are many that I am forgetting; so please feel free to leave some of your favorites below. And if I am not currently following them, I will do so pronto.

6. Geopolitics


North Korea

There were many geopolitical surprises in 2018. I think that the North Korea affair was certainly an unexpected one. We could have easily seen the Deep State get their way to foment more war for hefty profits of the Military-Industrial-Complex, but I guess Trump, China, and South Korea have derailed that train. However, it remains to be seen whether NK will totally denuclearize and whether China will stop sending oil and other goods under the currently imposed sanctions. Your guess is as good as mine for the future.

The United Kingdom

In the UK, the Brexit fiasco can pretty much be summarized in one meme:


Image source

It is quite obvious, at least to me, that the horrid PM was chosen for one purpose and one purpose only: delay, stall, and delay. And for that, she certainly accomplished her – actually I should say her EU masters’ – mission.

Brussels does not wish to let its pesky members decided on their own sovereignty; so they will do “whatever it takes” (pardon the steal by one of the most criminal ex-Goldman Sachs executive to have ever walked on European soil Mario Draghi – who helped the EU loot hundreds of billions of Euros from member states in the form of valueless bond purchases) to continue to usurp control over their members. We certainly saw how they destroyed a lot of their territorial integrity by covertly engineering the EU Migrant Crisis for which at least several states such as Hungary are starting to reject.

The United States

Perhaps the best news to come out of the US this year has to do with news. The mainstream media led by CNN, CNBC, The New York Times, Washington Post (and many more) are really starting to wane and fewer Americans are believing them and subscribing to their outlets and, most importantly, to their fake narratives. The level of propaganda they have spewed over the past years has been ratcheted up to such a ridiculous point that it will be quite difficult for any of them to regain and rebuild credibility any time soon.

These pundits have also gone to extremes to demonize Russia with the farcical Robert Mueller investigation that is going on nearly two years now with nothing to show for.

With regards to Trump, you can certainly say that he is no mainstream politician. I must admit that it has been kind of refreshing to see him bypass the MSM and talk directly to the people via Twitter whether one agrees/disagrees with him or likes/dislikes what he has to say.

Although I have been highly critical of him and don’t believe that he, along with Q, will be the savior who will Drain the Swamp and overturn the Deep State, I have to give him some props for trying. I just think he bit of a lot more than he could chew. I will offer more of my Trump prognosis below in the ‘2019 Outlook’ section below. But for now, you can have a look at my NEOCONS + Q = – TRUMP post to get a more in-depth take on how I see the Trump Train and Q Psy-Op developing.

Addendum: This is another addition I am adding to this post a couple of days later. It is regarding Mike Pence. After some initial research it is my contention that Pence is a traitor and should not be trusted by the President and the American people. He is basically the "insurance policy" of the Deep State apparatus. Have a look at his behavior over the past few months. He has been cocky as hell and has been giving the impression that he is Uncle Sam's tough, warmongering, guy on the block. A few cases in point: 'Iron' Mike Pence Stares-Down Putin In APEC Showdown and his video speech and commentary upon receiving an award at the Hudson Institute. One can also notice his chumminess with the Clintons and other traitors at the funeral of Bush senior where he received one of those "little envelopes" as well. His obvious hardball stance against Russia and China puts on display for all to see his Neocon/Deep State colors. It's as if he believes he will get the top job should Trump be ousted. So, don't be surprised to see something significant happen with regards to Pence in 2019. Let's just hope to high heaven he doesn't get that prime spot behind the oval.


For a country that is dear to my heart (as I’ve been living here since 2008), I have to say that China has been one huge disappointment in terms of its geopolitics and dystopian domestic policies. The country itself is amazing with wonderful people, a very fascinating 5,000+ year history, and truly rich and wonderful culture.

But, most sadly, its leadership has clearly demonstrated its ignorance and ineptitude with regards to how it treats other nations and foreigners in general. This was prominently displayed on the forefront with the US-China Trade War which has laid out a lot of inequalities and violations (intellectual property theft and cyber-espionage in particular) the country is reluctant to concede. I personally have witnessed first-hand how many businesses and foreigners have been harassed and made unwelcome in this land, especially since current President Xi took power in 2012. A famous blogger in China nicely sums up this point in his video China's Golden Age is OVER!. One only needs to see the difference in how foreigners are treated in China versus how Chinese emigrants are treated in other countries; it is black and white.

Moreover, the One Belt, One Road (i.e., renewed Silk Road), in my opinion will be a total flop. Don’t get me wrong. The idea of rejuvenating the ancient Silk Road in itself is a great one. However, it is my contention that this is a ‘building-bridges-to-nowhere’ project. Why? Easy. Firstly, as is also outlined by ADVChina, the country should first use its accumulated wealth to continue to solve domestic infrastructure and poverty problems in rural areas rather than squandering a lot of it abroad. Next, to truly have a fair and equitable win-win trade relationship you can’t just load your partners with insurmountable debt (for infrastructure projects) which seems to be the case with several African partners, Sri Lanka, and many others. Also, if you want real economic integration, you must first promote and foster cultural integration. That is to say, there must be an exchange of language and along with cultural characteristics distinct to each partner, including religion. For both language and religion, the current power structure in China feels threatened by these. I live in a major city and you can’t see any language learning centers for learning any of the foreign languages of the countries along the Silk Road such as Hindi, Punjabi, Russian, Kazakh, etc. In fact, even English language learning has been waning since 2013. So, how can you have cultural integration without these and how can you foster trusting relationships? You can’t.

It’s really sad that the current ruling power have forgotten their own Chinese history. During the Tang dynasty, trade and cultural integration flourished in China and along the Silk Road. There were even more foreigners (per capita) living in the Middle Kingdom at that time than there is now. Plus, at that time foreigners were much more welcome and respected.

The last point I want to make about China is on the domestic front. In the past couple of years and in 2018 in particular I have witnessed an incredible amount of dystopian policies and surveillance measures being put into place that would have made George Orwell blush. Apart from its Social Credit Score system which will soon be rolled out nationwide, they are implementing measures as early as in grade school to keep the population in check. I could go on with dozens of examples but will only leave you with two so you can get a glimpse into this dystopian nightmare whereby the power structure is really showing its unjustified paranoia:

I can only see further augmentation in the number of measures the current power structure wishes to further implement in order to surveil and control every single aspect of its citizens’ lives and movements.

Germany (addendum)

Note: this section on Germany was added after my original post.

One can easily sum up the year Germans had to suffer in a twofold manner: Merkel and Mass Migration.

It's not so difficult to tell that so many Germans are fed up with the horrible migrant policies enacted by EU puppet Angela Merkel. I think this can be summed up in a very telling statement she recently made in Berlin (according to a ZeroHedge article):

Nation states must today be prepared to give up their sovereignty”, according to German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who told an audience in Berlin that sovereign nation states must not listen to the will of their citizens when it comes to questions of immigration, borders, or even sovereignty.

I'll side with Trump on this one: if you don't have borders, you don't have a country!


At least we can count on the French to get it right when it comes to creating the spark of revolution. Their current Yellow Vest Protests which have started last month show the extent to which the French people are fed up with business-as-usual looting politicians such as with their current, ex-Rothschild banker, President Emmanuel Macron. Here is a nice summary list of the items for which they are protesting.


The movement has spread to other countries such as in Brussels and my native Canada (in which our own Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has shown himself to be a spineless puppet serving the interests of the Crown, its power center The City of London, and the elements of the Deep State apparatus). So, hopefully, this will continue and grow across the globe in 2019, albeit hopefully without too much police brutality and bloodshed.

7. 2019 Outlook


Despite what could be an earth shattering year, one has to be positive about how the winds of change will continue to blow in the New Year. 2018 saw a lot of people rise from their dormant states, so to speak. It does seem that indeed more and more people are starting to realize that they are mostly being told lies by the mainstream politicians and media and have been turning to alternative media sources to get a better chance at discovering the truth about various issues. This is in large part thanks to the truth warriors I’ve listed in my HEROES OF TRUTH post earlier in the year. Thus, I do find it promising. I only wish people in Canada, Australia/New Zealand, and the United Kingdom (all Crown/Commonwealth countries coincidentally) would wake up a bit more; but I remain optimistic.

Many think that 2019 (or perhaps 2020) will be the year where we will see another large false flag type event on the level of 9/11 but I disagree.

I do think that the powers that be (read the International Banking Cabal) are poised to kill the US dollar (and sacrificing the US Federal Reserve which has served them so well in their monumental plunder over the last century to enrich their power elite while greatly impoverishing the masses) in order to implement their wet dream of a, New World Order type, centralized digital currency whereby they can control everything.

I mean think about it for a minute. Why go through all the trouble of devising a huge false flag event when all you would need to do is pull the plug on the dollar and/or the US markets – something that could be as easy as a few mouse clicks for them? Should they opt for this, you would see big banks freeze up, not lend to each other (as was the case in the 2007-08 Financial Crisis), and render the credit markets in a state of deep freeze. Within a matter of a week or two, shelves at grocery/Wal-Mart stores would be all but emptied and people would be on the brink of not being able to find their next meal and be at the mercy of a savior who could help them. Moreover, they could easily use their mainstream media lapdogs to pin the meltdown on Trump, as he has, foolishly, already taken credit for the ‘huge’ stock market. Hence, they would kill two birds with one stone: basically eliminate any chances Trump (the thorn in their side) would have at being re-elected in 2020 and burying their crimes along with a defunct Fed.

They have used this type of modus operandi, namely the Hegelian (Problem-Reaction-Solution) dialectic, for centuries with great success. This would then be the ideal time for them to introduce their new beast/monetary enslavement system.

The key question is: Will they do it? I believe they would be arrogant enough to think they could pull it off. However, even with several months of chaos that would ensue after initiating such a financial purge I do not think they are ready to roll out a new global digital currency. The mechanics, logistics, and level of acceptance for this would just be too great and unlikely in my opinion. I doubt they have a better plan, at least for the moment.

So the alternative for them may be just to ride it out for another year or two. Problem is, however, I do not think that they could totally prevent a “natural” (i.e., non orchestrated) market meltdown, as too many institutional players in the US and around the world are starting to realize that their Treasury and sovereign bond holdings (including those in the European Union) are simply not worth the paper they are printed on. Thus, I foresee an inevitable mass exodus from these market players that they will not be able to contain. The number of financial institutions such as hedge funds in the US alone is just too big for them to continue the manipulation. These players are going to save their feathers while they still can.

And as they sell their massive holdings of stocks, debt, and dollars, those funds will seek refuge in undervalued assets and sure bets such as gold and silver. Thus, I would expect these two to have a tremendous upswing in value in the New Year, or in 2020 at the latest. After nearly ten years of massive price repression of gold and silver by the agents of the banking cabal, I can finally see them losing their grip over them and making us gold bugs happy campers.

Another reason for which gold, in particular, could see a tremendous upswing would be through a proposed new global currency that the Cabal would wish to implement. You see, nobody will trust them to issue yet another, unbacked, phony piece of fiat crap. Thus, they would inevitably have to tie their new slavecoin to something of value. Gold is the ONLY asset in the world that would work for this purpose, as it has maintained its value for over 5,000 years and no other option could do the trick.

Anyway, who knows what will really unfold in the next year or two. But one thing is for sure, the current path filled with hundreds of trillions of dollars worth of global debt is totally unsustainable – especially if interest rates go up by a mere 1 or 2 percent, as interest payments alone on these would blow up and rip the current monetary system to shreds (may that idiot John Maynard Keynes roll in his grave along with the other idiot Paul Krugman)

8. Special Thanks to all my followers!

Lastly, I just wanted to give a big shout out and THANK YOU to all who have followed me and commented on my posts in my first year on Steemit. You have really inspired me to write more and help do my little humble part in trying to get the truth out and help awaken the dormant masses. May God bless you. And I wish you all a fantastic and prosperous New Year.


In Truth & Liberty,



Cheers for the kudos Dan and right back at ya. Keep up the great work. Your posts on the Fed Reserve and the criminal bankers are incredibly informative and I was quite glad to share them. All the best for you and your family in 2019. Best regards, Chris

Thanks man! Any predictions for 2019?

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