German Government paying for three-weeks vacation for immigrants to return home...No kidding...

in #informationwar7 years ago (edited)

The German government (that is slowly collapsing as a result of their insane immigration policies) has, apparently, reached a new low. Here is a story, written by a reporter who frequents the country, talking about how he got the real story of why he noticed fewer immigrants in a certain area than he had on an earlier visit:

Do check out this brief excerpt from the above link:

"...despite claiming their lives would be at risk if they were forced to return home, the government is paying them for a vacation to the very place they claim to be fleeing. You just cannot make up such a completely insane government policy. I know someone who works with the refugees and they confirm they are on vacation back home. Therefore, asylum seekers are nonetheless returning to their homeland for a 'short time'."

"Asylum???" A BALD-FACED LIE!!...and this article proves it. You can bet the same lie is being told in every country where these hordes of Muslim "refugees" are turning up.

(Angela Merkel)

This story begs the HUGE, elephant-in-the-room question...WHO IS ADVANCING THESE INSANE IMMIGRATION POLICIES, AND FOR WHAT PURPOSE?? Suffice it to say that there are NO "coincidences" when it comes to blatantly treason activities of this frequency and magnitude. All the good people of all the western nations must unite and FORCE their out-of-touch "public servants" to come to account for this type of absolute and unmitigated insanity, and they must do so soon--while they still have any national sovereignty or semblance of nationhood left to protect.


Germany is dying because of a failure of Germans to have children. Merkel thinks she can make up the shortfall in births by importing Muslims from war torn countries.
Her foolish liberal outlook makes her think, despite all evidence to the contrary, that these people can become the hardworking and productive Germans that are no longer being born.

Germany is dying because of a failure of Germans to have children.

Even that argument is, in my opinion, just part of the official story.

The true reason behind this flooding with people from other cultures lays deeper in the ideological background, regardless of the German's birth rate.

Its true that there are deeper reasons, going right back the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest

Ok, the time of the roman empire is perhaps a little too far backwards in my opinion, but it depends....
Yes, it's possible to build up a story from that time on.

The one i believe in begins about 100 years ago, and it's not only Germany-related. But as i'm leaving today for a short holiday trip, it has to wait and is perhaps a little bit too complex for a few lines in a comment.
Just wonder about the worldwide financial system, its profiteers, and the special geographical position of Germany in the heartland of Europe, as a clue...

I think it has everything to do with expurgating Germaness from Germany...period.

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wow, and to think their vacations used to consist of a one way train ride to go camping.

wow. howdy tonight @mepatriot! this is hard to comprehend, and the German people know about this and do nothing? This should be the lead story of every newspaper in Germany and in the country also. Have you seen this anywhere in our papers?

Of course not. "We" don't have any newspapers bigger than maybe a couple thousand circulation. Just TPTB.

well then the Germans need to rise up if they want to save their country.

Well then the Germans
Need to rise up if they want
To save their country.

                 - janton

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Let's hope they do. Some major western nation needs to set an example for lily-livered Americans.

yes for when this kind of thing happens here? they are just learning on the other countries but we are the main target I believe.

Very perceptive. I agree.

That will not happen. 3-4 generations of brainwash and a therefore obedient mindset paid their toll...

hey there @argalf..what will not happen? I probably agree with you but I'm not sure what you're saying here, who is paying their toll?

well then the Germans need to rise up

That will not happen.

3-4 generations of brainwash and a therefore obedient mindset paid their toll...

... because the Germans as a majority are brainwashed enough to not even think about an uprising. "Everything is fine, we have the best and wealthiest nation in whole Europe", blablabla... They see no reason to stop anything.

and a therefore obedient mindset paid their toll...

... should read "paid it's toll" :)

Are you in Europe and how do you know so much about Germany?
thanks so much!oh howdy there @argalf this fine Sunday evening and thank you so much for the explanation which makes perfect sense now, sorry I didn't comprehend it at first.