Never mind that the Pentateuch (first five books of the Old Testament) is replete with reminders that God was only willing to keep, preserve, bless and honor the Jewish people by keeping them wealthy, healthy and prosperous in their ancient lands so long as they honored the one true God, and did not follow the practices of the locals in worshiping false "gods." Israel was destroyed and scattered TWICE (611/586 BC, and 70 AD) because they kept breaking faith and murdering the prophets of the true God sent to warn them. They fell away and worshiped false Gods, over and over again, and are doing so to this very day with their blatant hatred and disregard for God's last and greatest prophet (and only Son,) Jesus Christ.
(Texas Megachurch Pastor, and dual loyalist, John Hagee. Image courtesy of
There is NO Scriptural basis whatsoever for the John Hagee-style "Israel-uber-alles" view of modern geopolitics. The modern nation-state of Israel may or may not be part of The Book of Revelations' fulfillment, but even it is, it is not immune from criticism when it does evil, and it has NO SCRIPTURAL MANDATE to expand beyond the ancient borders of Israel as given clearly (with landmarks) twice in the Old Testamant... I.e. Likud Party expansionism, and the idea of a "Greater Israel" encompassing most of the Middle East, is not Biblical, and even if it were, IT DOES NOT INVOLVE OR CONCERN AMERICANS.
(Current settlements. Image courtesy of
Now comes word that, even though Americans are repeatedly derided as "anti-Semitic" for not kowtowing to Hagee/Likud-style Scriptural interpretations and an immoral preferment and entangling alliance, that most Israelis do not support that stuff either. So, most Israelis are now
Check out this link:,7340,L-5467956,00.html
Here is a key excerpt:
"Three surveys show Blue and White surging ahead in April 9 election, with 35-36 seats to Likud’s 26-32.
New polls released Thursday evening showed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party trailing well behind the new joint Blue and White list of Benny Gantz and Yair Lapid, with 47 days until the April 9 Knesset elections."
(Image courtesy of
Again, I am a zionist, if one applies the proper definition of "one who believes that the modern nation-state of Israel has a right to exist and to defend herself." But, that is a long way from being able to steer clear of the EXTREME Zionists that control the AIPAC/ADL "Amen Corner" and, thus, most of MY CONGRESS. For them, you must be a Likudist (if you are non-Jewish) in order to not be anti-Semitic.
That is an unfair, untrue, and extremely harmful viewpoint that has been TOTALLY ACCEPTED AND REPEATEDLY TRUMPETED AND ENFORCED by both "Republicans" and "Democrats" of any national stature, and by ALL major media outlets.
How is THAT fair & balanced?... I'd like to know.
bad mouthing both parties doesnt make you anti american but it would sure look like it from society
i think it makes you pro american
hows your weekend going steve
I never badmouth peace lovers...i.e. "the other side" from the hard-liners... because I am ordered to be a peacemaker myself.
I even think the Likudists are Israel patriots and well-intended, but I think they do hate the "other side" and consider them "Arab sympathizers." I don't condone real hatred, because it leads to violence..which literally defines Israel (and Palestine) whenever hardliners control The Knesset. I don't even think what I am doing is badmouthing them, but just telling it like it is.
Good. Yours?
i totally agree cheers
Everything is Anti-Semetic to the Jewish Supremacist, to those who believe Jews can do no wrong.
Yea, but it's a little hard for criticism of Likudism to be equated with anti-Semitism when most Jews aren't