For those few of you who still believe that Q-MAGA is real, and that Donald Trump is about to lead us out of the wilderness of globalism and perverse elitist-perversion control of our world...LISTEN UP!
The chances are very high that Trump is exactly who he was his whole life prior to 2016...i.e. A New York City Chabad-Lubavichter sympathizer with typical NYC libtard values and friendships (many life-long) with many despicable people...Jeffrey Epstein and the Clintons leading the way.
(Georg F.W. Hegel...courtesy of
Prior to his run for President, he PRACTICED ACTING on "The Apprentice" for the immediate preceding years (hello?)...and for all his fine rhetoric, we have NOT really stopped our inexorable drive towards globalism in any meaningful way.
So what is the Hegelian Dialectic? G.F.W. Hegel was an 18th-and-early 19th-century German rationalist philosopher whose dialectic has been used by elites for nearly two centuries now to bring about their desired agendas when nothing else would do the trick.
It works like this: 1> Set up a "thesis" or the general principle(s) you want to create a movement to erode. 2> Create a false opposition to the principles of the thesis, that you thoroughly control (usually secretly) known as an "antithesis." 3> Let the two war against each other while you guide the people into thinking the opposition between thesis and antithesis is real, until they grow tired and accept (or even demand) our desired "synthesis,"...i.e. your real original goal for implementing the dialectic in the first place.
In the case of the last election, we set up Americanism as the thesis--the main proponent being our court jester-in-chief. The ANTIFA and the Clintonistas (and the mainstream media) are the antithesis, thoroughly controlled by the globalist elites. We are all growing tired or "Russia, Russia, Russia" and are now getting "Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine-d" to death. Eventually, the people will grow tired of the "warring" between the "two side", and, if we get some REAL VIOLENCE soon, they will even DEMAND draconian "solutions" that drag us closer and closer to a U.N.-controlled global police state. Should the violence culminate in a major "weapons of mass destruction" event that kills many thousands, the people might even be willing to settle for a global government that will promise peace and security.
Now, there is always the slim chance that Trump is not acting, and that God has put him in place to bring America back from the brink. Let me just ask, though, "What about America, c. 2019, is in any way God honoring, or longer deserving of his favor or protection?" How many MILLIONS of babies are we still slaughtering in the womb? How many children are we allowing to be sacrificed at the literal altars of our Satanic elites? Where have we done anything to honor God, or to restore His principles as we coddle and promote homosexuality, transgenderism and other perverse agendas?
IMHO, the chances that Trump is a legitimate patriot (and not the super-elite billionaire clubster that we know he is) is around 10%...
Sure, pray for him, and extol (most of) his rhetoric. But don't be fooled into lethargy, and certainly do NOT let your guard down. The Bible is very clear that globalism DOES SUCCEED for a short period, and that many, many good people (ala the Georgia Guide Stones) DO DIE, before Jesus Christ returns and sets everything right.
Politics is the accrual of power via the usage of Hegelian Dialectics to remain untouchable by our ranting and raving. This phenomena isn't limited to US Politics, infact I see it more as a defining characteristic of politics that involve any sort of amounts of money that translate to us plebians as unfathomable wealth.
Sure. Agreed. Just putting it into context for what (I hope) is my audience--American patriots. Thanks for stopping by!
Even the concept of patriotism being used to gauge legitimacy plays into the hegelian dialectic. Trust no politician because even if you voted for them, they were presented to you as an option to synthesize your own personal arguments into a "solution".
It is still a useful term for rallying LEGITIMATE resistance though, even if it is in the process of (like most good things) being co-opted by the enemy.
You can recognize the genuine resistance because the entire establishment comes down on them, and the controlled opposition disavowes them as "extremists"
Right on, as always, my friend.
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excellent post i have been telling people this since that fucker was elected
hillary would have been doing the same thing as trump is now
since they are controlled by the exact same people
its a joke how comepletey ignorant and naive americans and canadians have become
great article stevo
Thanks, Bud. It truly is remarkable how easily propagandized we all are now.
for me personally i dont think ive ever been brainwashed by the state since i know all govts and central planners that control them are evil and a waste of my time
so on voting day instead of voting i do hard labour cause something is at least being accomplished
by voting people are digging their own graves and since we dont know how to get what we want we will most surely get what we deserve
ive gotten at least 200 people or more to stop voting in kommunist kanada
not that is helps since we have to get absolutely everyone to stop voting and i know that will never happen with the majority being sheep