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RE: Ummm...Communist threat is STILL REAL, snowflakes. WAKE UP and stop being so easily propagandized.

in #informationwar6 years ago

Thanks for publishing this. It is instructive to note the current "strategy" of the once great Christian Civic League of Maine. They are misdirecting the legitimate moral outrage of their followers into a referendum against female genital mutilation. Islam isn't the problem in Maine, obviously. Weaponized socialism bordering on communism obviously is the problem. Socialism is being weaponized with sodomy. The League never should have caved to the republicrat thug doormen who cast them into the gay disco. God help them to extricate themselves. He's the only one who can at this point.


Amen, and amen...(Although forced migration of Islam's adherents throughout Maine, WILL soon become a major problem, as it is in many other areas of the country already. There are rumors they are going to plant a Somali colony near Caribou "to grow POTATOES!" Aroostook farmers are giving up that effort and moving on to other things.)

Good point about potatoes in Aroostook ... and, yes, it is beyond pathetic what the Catholic Church and the US government did to Lewiston.'s just the beginning...