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RE: Trump Kills ISIS's Baghdadi, Erdogan Losing One More Asset

in #informationwar5 years ago

The killing (not "death") of AbuBakar al Baghdadi is not witnessed by any independant source. (No video, No audio) just a unconfirmed report coming to us 3rd hand and tainted by Drumpf's "He died whimpering like a dog" statements.
As far as Osama Bin Laden there was a darkened video and audio supporting the killing of somebody with a beard.
Now, since both bodies have been "Buried at Sea" there is no way, other than the military, to determine who died. Russia claimed to have killed Baghdadi 3 years ago, and since then he has been killed 2 more times. So, who gets the credit?
Having served this Country for a few years I do kind of know how the "disinformation" works. Just me being cynical, I guess.. Mitch, out@whyaskwhy, not to "discredit" the information sources, themselves, but when a major media sued and got approval to broadcast the same news information that is used by our government overseas I kind of became a "Doubting Thomas" and have changed the way I look at news.