Something has to be done to stop the left from censoring us. Trump needs to stop Tweeting about it, and do something. He won due to his supporters having a loud online presence. That is why the right is being banned left and right. You Tube is also another platform to regulate.
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Can't be for government regulation of the internet. If Trump loses in 2020, then someone on the left has the tools to regulate resistance from the right.
SMACA solves this problem.
SMACA will not create an environment where the government is in a greater position to regulate speech. SMACA will give Social Media companies an out just as their liability exemption for what users on their platforms post as well as Social media's out as far as DMCA goes. SMACA will give social media companies with more than 200 million monthly users the out of having to decipher which lawful speech should not exist, and SMACA will level the playing field between the ideas of the left and the right. It is good legislation which needs to be enacted to protect the American system and how We The People choose our leaders.
I can see it causing a whole other problem. The first line item, "Denial of platform access and normal use thereof" and it looks like the only lawful free speech social networks will be able to control is the posting of legal pornography. This won't give them the legal means to battle SPAM on their platforms. You have to consider that these same rules will apply to non-political content. The platforms will be cluttered with so much garbage that they'll be rendered unusable.
I still think the best option is to let the free market take care of this problem and keep government involvement out of it. Alternatives already exist for these social networks. Facebook vs. Minds. Twitter vs. Gab. Reddit vs. Voat. Let the people work this problem out themselves.
I have had 20 Twatter accounts. I gave up after the last one. I had 500 followers, and never even tweeted anything that would violate the TOS.