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RE: InformationWar - Contributing Writers/Supporters: Roll Call Pt 10

in #informationwar7 years ago

My steemit name is @natepower, please add me to your list of writer's, I've been waging an information war on Facebook since 2009, I co-manage a page called Goldman Sachs Are Financial Terrorists, we have roughly 90,000 followers, I am trying my hand at writing on steemit but alas I have no friends here other than the ones I've made through the information war tag, I'm warming up on the writing and have quite a few ideas on future information war posts I plan on writing, my last post was a little fringe mixed in with real history that I know most people have never heard of. The first major Terrorist Attack in the US was The Black Tom Explosion which caused incredible damage to the statue of liberty, Manhattan, and blew windows out up to 25 miles away, German saboteurs blew a massive load of ammo and explosives in New York Harbor headed out to WW1 across the sea, I tied it into a Mandela Effect, part of me wants to repost it without the Mandela Effect tie in and I most likely will as I dug up even more info on Terrorist attacks during WW1 no one has ever heard of, considering how much research on 9-11 everyone has done it's hard to believe that no one has ever talked about this Black Tom Explosion as being the first major Terrorist Attack considering it cost 500 million dollars in today's money.


Adding you to the new one, posting soon :)