Aliens from other world's, and the U.F.O. phenomenon was my first taste of conspiracy theories. It started in grade school in the very early 80's. I read every book in the library on the U.F.O/Alien subject back when books were all we had for knowledge. Art Bell's Coast to Coast AM in the 90's was the other alternative to a library book. I would literally listen to the show on a radio I would keep under my pillow from 11pm to 3am, I can't remember the exact time, but I remember only getting 2 hours of sleep if they had a fascinating guest.
Of course the information age has made all subjects instantly attainable, and I can hardly say who doesn't know about U F.O's and Aliens at this point, and who doesn't believe they exist? So my opinion on Government disclosure of U F.O's and Aliens is Hella anticlimactic! Maybe 30 years ago I would have been floored by it. In the age of Decentralized Media I am like yawn... On the subject.
The biggest reason I am not enthusiastic about the U F.O and Alien disclosure is the fact that our government is so corrupt, they will never let a good crisis go to waste. The United States of America's Defense budget is a Trillion dollars a year. The Pentagon can't account for the last 21 Trillion dollars they have spent, and we all know we will never know how much the U.S. Government's off the books black budget is. If the U.S. Government discloses we have an extra terrestrial alien threat, can you imagine how the defense industry will handle that? They will stand to make more money than a lifetime of world wars. There will be no end to the money and power of an alien threat. The U.S. Government spends trillions of dollars in a fictitious fight against ISIS, and now that they have gone in the direction of a possible new cold war with Russia and China the defense budget is at a record high. Add a superior advanced race to the mix and words alone can not describe the sheer insanity of how they will endlessly rape the Tax Payers to Death!
I could also mention again that people have known about the U F.O and Alien phenomenon since man could create art. This phenomenon has been around 1,000's of years. The public really doesn't get pissed on and believe it's rain and not piss.
##UFOs and aliens in ancient cave drawings
I really wish the government's of the world would not disclose anything on such a major historic scale like U F.O's and Aliens until the people can trust them not to take severe advantage of the situation. If you know a tree by it's fruit, than the U S. Government Tree would come complete with fruity shit sandwiches.
I say no to U F.O and Alien disclosure. I am perfectly content to get my information from Decentralized Alternative Media. With that said we have had disclosure for a long time, and the taxpayer wasn't raped across a table for the truth.
This is a Patriot Uprising Production
By: Nate Powers
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Sweet Christmas, good looking out!
Outer-space Bin Laden...9/11 by aliens... If they ever try it, hopefully they do it in the US... I'd go for laser beams, laser beams are cool and sound quite the sort of weapons aliens would use.
They are doing it. They are probably kicking themselves for not doing this years ago. The next step is to create an Alien version of Al-Qaeda and there will be no limit to milking the fuck out of taxpayer, like I said more money than a lifetime of world wars!