Holy shit. Cool song.
In reference to this particular word, it's derogatory to black people. That's the group to which I was referring.
And I have to stand by my statement: the average American just wants to get laid and get paid. If it were different people would care enough to change things for good. But instead most carry on like sheeple right over the cliff.
I absolutely believe this goes against our nature but mass conditioning plays on that nature and twists it and conditions the person into a base greed ridden animal.
That's all I meant by that. I have hope for the future however, and am thankful every day for the Internet and groups like steemit.com.
When I was a kid I was lucky to have even one person that lined up with my beliefs by 60%. But now I have hundreds that are closer to 100%. Things are changing slowly, but as a nation we are still kept as drugged up and ignorant as possible. We separate ourselves mentally and spiritually from virtually everyone else and would rather play candy crush than question why we have money for endless war, but not proper education.
I appreciate your opinion greatly, and wonder what you think about use of "the N word" instead of the word. Is it self imposed censorship to avoid offending anyone, or is it just a subtle way to manipulate the consciousness of the masses?