HEADLINES: Thursday, August 16th, 2018 - Expansion of Censorship (aka Digital Book Burning) Continues, Aretha Franklin Dead at 76, Mozilla Firefox Joining Evil?, John Brennan, Infowars, Omarosa, Stolen Elections, Red Tide, Pedophile Priests, and More.

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

Triangulate the Truth! A News Aggregation service that aggregates from many different points of view. With a secondary mission of countering censorship.

Alternative Media - "Right" Leaning

“Never That Great”
City Journal
Does "Unite The Right" Have Leftist Roots?
Freedom Outpost
FBI Warns: Cyber Criminals Are Plotting WORLDWIDE Mass Hacking Of ATM Machines
Freedom Outpost
Minnesota: Democrats Choose Accused Woman Abuser & Former Member Of Hate Group For Attorney General
Freedom Outpost
Media Attempts to Divert Muslim Primary Victories - Victory Speeches in Arabic!
Freedom Outpost
Enemy of the People – Cuomo Scolds Trump on His Words After Praising Antifa’s Violence
The Hagmann Report
The new tyranny of the Left: No conservative is allowed to order food at a restaurant, run an e-commerce platform or speak online
Natural News
InfoWars is the “canary in the coalmine,” and it’s sounding the alarm that YOUR right to speak is no longer secure
Natural News
Father of man suspected of training children in New Mexico to shoot up schools is a radical Islamist who headlined 2012 DNC convention event
Natural News
Scott from MFA TV News exposes social media SPYING through smartphones – WATCH at REAL.video
Natural News
Mozilla / Firefox goes all in for EVIL… pushes corporate news collusion to silence independent media
Natural News
Report: Weekly Standard Founder Bill Kristol Caught Up in Spygate Scandal and Linked to Peter Strzok
The Gateway Pundit
Comey Lashes Out at President Trump For Revoking Brennan’s Security Clearance
The Gateway Pundit
Bleeding-Heart Liberals Bike Through Tajikistan to Prove “Evil Is a Make-Believe Concept” — Are Stabbed Dead By ISIS
The Gateway Pundit
Twitter Lectures on “Appropriate Behaviors and Actions” Then Awards Racist NYT Writer Sarah Jeong with Blue Check Mark
The Gateway Pundit
RUDY WAS RIGHT: Criminal John Brennan Walked the Junk Dossier Over to Harry Reid to Start the Spygate Scandal — SHOULD BE JAILED (Video)
The Gateway Pundit
POLITICAL EARTHQUAKE! Trump Approval Ratings with Black Voters Soars to New All-Time High at 36%
The Gateway Pundit
Twitter Verifies Sarah Jeong After Racism Controversy
President Trump Pays Tribute to Aretha Franklin: Voice was ‘Gift from God’
Weed-Killing Carcinogen Glyphosate Found In Children's Foods
Brennan Goes Nuclear After Losing Security Clearance, Pens Furious Screed In NYT
Bomb Detonates At Italian Headquarters Of Salvini's League Party
London Mayor Wants A Car Ban, Since Regulating Guns And Knives Failed
Aretha Franklin Dead at 76
AP Launches Media Hoax Claiming Alex Jones’ Radio Station Shut Down
Drudge: Alex Jones ‘Takes a Licking and Keeps on Ticking’
Emergency Alert! Rogue Feds Are Setting Up Infowars To Be Shut Down
Yazidi Teenager Meets ISIS Captor Who Enslaved Her; He’s Now a “Refugee” in Germany
FCC Joins Social Media Effort to Silence Alex Jones, Shuts Down Pirate Flagship Radio Station
MRC TV (It turns out this is a hoax.)
Trump Revokes Brennan’s Security Clearance, ‘Evaluating Action’ on Other Obama Officials
CNS News
MSNBC Swoons as Boston Globe Coordinates Anti-Trump Editorial Effort
MSNBC: Some Trump Supporters So Loyal They Would Approve Trump Murdering Their Family

Our Preferred Place To Watch Infowars Broadcasts Outside of The Official Site

Alternative Media Section II - "Left" Leaning

Omarosa Releases Tape Discussing ‘Hush Money’
Political Wire
Omarosa Recorded Call With Lara Trump: ‘Everything, Everybody Positive, Right?’
Talking Points Memo
Stolen Elections, Voting Dogs And Other Fantastic Fables From The GOP Voter Fraud Mythology
Talking Points Memo
Omarosa On Report That Trump Wants Her Arrested: I’m Not Afraid Of Nixon, Er, Trump
Talking Points Memo
Aretha Franklin Was the Defining Voice of the 20th Century
When Garnishes Turn Garish
Are the mainstream U.S. ‘news’media evil?
The Greanville Post
Video: Militant Propaganda Goes Wild Ahead of Battle for Idlib in Northwestern Syria
GlobalResearch.ca (Canada)
“When Palestine is Free”: Diary Entry From an International Solidarity Volunteer in the West Bank, Northern Jordan Valley
GlobalResearch.ca (Canada)
'Queen of Soul': The Life and Times of Civil Rights Icon Aretha Franklin

Legacy Media

Will the names of all N.J. Catholic priests accused of abuse be released?
Trump accuses Boston Globe of 'collusion with other papers' amid coordinated pushback to his rhetoric
The Hill
Omarosa book raises questions on what the top-paid White House official actually did
Fox News
Trump says 'Democrats give up when I turn out' on campaign trail
‘We need more details’ about Cape shark attack before determining species, shark expert says
Boston Globe
Florida Red Tide latest: How to stay safe on the beach; how long will it last?
Turks are smashing their iPhones to protest Trump
CBS News (They must have missed the fact that Apple relocated to China.)
Trump's strategy is failing and the Taliban is winning
CNN (Failing so badly that this is the first time I've seen mention of Afghanistan in some time /s.)

Steem #News

Steemit:My Words On The Marble: In Our Hands
Steemit:Where Have All The Children Gone: Haiti Child Trafficking
Steemit:Foster and Adoptive Parents Don't Care About the Corrupt CPS and Foster 'Care' System
Steemit:Report Finds 100 Priests in One City Ran Horrific Pedophile Ring, As Gov’t Looked the Other Way
Steemit:JoshieBear Joins The dtube Community (Introductory Video)
Steemit:Steem price is down: what is going on? Here is what you should know and should do
Steemit:If Someone Calls From 'Microsoft' Because 'You Have Hackers In Your Computer' - You're Probably Talking With A Hacker!
Steemit:PayPal, Square, SumUp, iZettle Vulnerabilities Impact Mobile Point-of-Sale Machines


Keith Ellison To Ex-Girlfriend: ‘We Don’t Have To Destroy Each Other’ Over Domestic Abuse Accusations
My revealing interview with Owen Shroyer of Infowars!
Cindy #Harmony_Nation
Portland Police Chief to Reporters: Why Isn’t Antifa Ever Held Accountable for Their Actions?
‘Life as we know it’ ends in 2040: Aussie news dig up MIT’s global collapse prediction
LISTEN: Democrat Candidate Explains Why 13-Year-Olds Should Be Able To Get Abortions Without Parental Consent
Customer walks into liquor store – without noticing bear standing right next to him, video shows
OOPS! Looks like CNN’s Jim Sciutto got ‘caught pushing #FakeNews AGAIN,’ this time about John Brennan
Have you ever been so racist you receive an award from jesse Jackson for hiring so many minorities
Jason Rice

Thank you for reading @newsagg. This is a news aggregator service for steemit. It is constructed daily by hand and does take some time. Many of us practically live on steemit now. As such we can often forget to check what is going on out there outside of steemit. This account was created as an attempt to help mitigate that some. This is experimental so the account will likely go through transitions as it is determined what is most useful to the community. Feel free to submit news tips as comments. They will likely not be looked at extensively until the next aggregation post to which they are most suited. We will try to limit the amount of these posts that we post each day to no more than 4, unless some breaking news warrants there should be more. With this account we will not do a lot of comment and reply unless it is necessary to verify or get further information on a tip. Those of us that work this account will use our personal accounts for interactions of a personal or opinion nature. We wish to remain free of bias and simply present the news on this account.

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I've been absent from Steemit for about three weeks. This is pretty much the first time I've checked the news.

Oddly enough not much has changed.

Same song....different verse.

Yep, pretty close. A few oddities here and there but mostly the same shit different day.

Biggest news in that time is how over the top they've gone with censorship. They were doing it when you left, but it has gone much more extreme in that time.

a bit panicky are they?

And yes, I noticed your absence. I checked your account a few times. Glad to see you're okay.

I'm fine.
I've got a LOT of projects to do but I intend to post regularly.

Yeah, projects external to steem are consuming a lot of my time as well.

Call it a guess, but you’ll get a chuckle out of the headline used for this article:

Yep, that made me have to fight to hold back the guffaw that wanted to burst out of my mouth.

Dr. Shiva is smart and has his shit together. She's having to try any crazy thing she can come up with to try to turn things around.

Thank you for your post. :) I have voted for you: 🎁! To call me just write @contentvoter in a comment.

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