Of course, it is your original thought! 💠@joeyarnoldvn
The way that patent, trademark & copyright law works is that the one who claimed it first is the owner of the work.
Unfortunately, it does not matter if you also originally thought the same thing.
Using a plagiarism checker before you post could help.
Posted using Partiko iOS
What about Fair Use Law and also Safe Harbor Law?
• Safe harbor deals with data & vulgarity. @joeyarnoldvn
• Fair use references copyright © work.
In my opinion, I do not see any copyright or vulgarity involved in your posts.
However, repetition can be interpreted as spam.
• Beauty is in of the beholder
• Voting, 🗳 whether upward or downward is stake-weighted.
• What the voter thinks or believes or decides to take action on matters. Unfortunately, not your intention, sir. Keep in mind that on the #Steem #blockchain:
Trust that this helps, @joeyarnoldvn
YouTube denied my Fair Use claims and terminated my channels.
That’s unfortunate. @joeyarnoldvn The platform owner can choose what content to permit. @joeyarnoldvn @DTube & @Appics could be a #Steem alternative.
Posted using Partiko iOS
You are not aware of liability protection? You are not familiar with U.S. laws? So, you don't know about how government money, which came from tax payers, funded Google, YouTube, Facebook, etc? So, you don't realize how Google and Apple refused to work with the Pentagon and begun handing over keys, passwords, to users, to the Chinese government, right? You don't realize the differences between a platform and publisher? You don't remember when AT&T had to go to court in the 1970's or Microsoft in the 1990's? These big companies were in court for many years. Nigel, you are basically telling me that you don't know what happened during those trials.
Your expertise is superior to mine. @joeyarnoldvn
Posted using Partiko iOS