You clearly have no idea what censorship and free speech means if you think the Steem is most Anti-Free speech, pro-censorship social media platform that you have used to date.
You clearly have no idea what censorship and free speech means if you think the Steem is most Anti-Free speech, pro-censorship social media platform that you have used to date.
Your comment is hilarious, but extremely erroneous.
It is hilarious because my comment that said it, is now censored into hidden.
What is even more funny, is that when this happens, I spend extra time spreading what happened, to dozens of discord servers. With evidence, so that folks like you can't say things like "you clearly have no idea what censorship is.."
You clearly have no idea what censorship is.
Keep telling yourselves that.
Enjoy the continuing downslide.
I suppose my comment of support to a great content provider, was just "Spam".... Good call there! Delusional but hey, I guess kidding yourself makes you think that you are on the right track and have the right to deny reality ;)
Not spam, it was lies and bs. :D
Thank you for that explanation. More ammo for the world to see!
Don't blame it on censorship if no one cares about what you have to say. xD
The flaw in your logic will most likely always escape you.
No-one cares, so much so, that they all 'downvote'. They 'don't care'.
Priceless. Your failed logic unfortunately was the downfall of this platform.
And great job hearing the pain points of the users that are still left. Just, HIDE it lol. Then the bad goes away right? Along with most users....
I might be gone but there is so I guess I am staying. lol