Almost a decade ago now, the CDC released a "Preparedness 101" comic/document which centered on being prepared in the event of a "Zombie Pandemic". I used to write about it back then, making my own jokes about how we were already in a zombie pandemic. However with a more serious tone/question as; "why would the CDC choose 'Zombies' for their gimmick?
It shouldn't strike one as 'odd', should it?
If the powers that should not be, didn't have a vast history of foreshadowing their actions, I wouldn't have given it a second thought.
After giving it a second thought, it occurred to me that a 'Zombie Pandemic' could actually be quite feasible. Not actual 'undead', but something that resembled 'undead'. With a little Fear spice added in for kick by our lovely lying, fraudulent, inhuman media cabal, it would be a matter of minutes that it would take to work our masked monkeys into a zombie apocalypse frenzy...
What would actually constitute a "Zombie" in the minds of a properly -prepared for Fear- population?
So, now that we know how our face diapered friends will behave, when told to be afraid of "xxxxxx" by their Zombie Screens, we can begin to see just how feasible a 'Zombie Pandemic' could be.
We have all been conditioned for a 'Zombie Pandemic' in about a thousand or more different movies, shows, toys, games, culture, etc., for decades. Is this because we find Zombies fun, and demand that kind of 'entertainment'? Or is this conditioning?
I have had a bad headache sometimes, where I walk around disorderly, mumbling with slurred speech, and irritated with those around me.....I bet I looked like a Zombie. Especially to a neighbor across the street who just got finished watching his favorite 'Walking Dead' season, or maybe a little 'Zombieland'.. Imagine if there was a flu or a cold that made people act like this, due to 'adverse reactions' from some kind of Warp Speed GAVI Injection, or maybe a signal of some sort. You know, one of those NOTHING TO SEE HERE kinds of deals that you and I don't know about.
At least we'll have fast phones though right?
I can picture lots of people being 'affected' by 'something', and others not, but riddled in fear, react in a way that we are trained to by our idiot boxes of Holly'Wood' spellcasting.. Covidiocy has taught me that, I should not think that my fellow 'humans' will be Rational, in the coming days....
Hopefully we ask questions first, shoot second...
Take a looksie for yourselves, so that you can, be ready too ;)
I've often wondered about the correlation of the psychology of the zombie craze in the media to the real world - maybe this is it...
It's a way to easily de-humanize your detractors when you feel like you're holding a minority viewpoint.
They've been bitten (red-pilled/blue-pilled) and they must be destroyed before they can infect the others!
111 thank you for that special number!
This is one of my favorite news sources, and you might like him too.
Great Work.
I would be honored if you'd consider taking a look at this,
I've pretty much stopped using Discord ever since they took it upon themselves to Censor a President of the USA. Whether I think the 'president' is a puppet or not, matters not.
Been trying to use "Guilded" more but it is far less popular atm. I'll pop on to your Discord though since it is you, and I will advertise Guilded on your server :D
Here is guilded which you can see is basically like Discord, and my most active channel atm:
Was the prez on discord?
They banned any of his communication, shared or otherwise. I don't know, nor care, if he was actually on it. If you linked his words, they banned your channel. They can go fuck themselves.
that should be fixed.
I'm not on there anymore thanks.
Very good link thanks.
However, what in particular do you address with this?
It reminded me of your the-cosmic-laws-of-cosmic-awareness
I should write a blog about them (the 'laws')...
But yes indeed. Thank you :)
Lol thanks.
I'll watch it on 'youtube' when I have some time.
edit: 2+ hours. Make that when I have lots of time.
Yes. And many more!
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Do not miss the last post from @hivebuzz:
you should put that on my very last post...
IZombie: Predictive Programming
I used to listen to Clif's shows about 13 years ago or so.
Michael himself doesnt remember much from this episode either... But it was a Nexus Portal for what came next... Q.

nah man... it's LOST...
why are we chasing our tails
Thanks I'll check this out later. These ISMs I tell ya!
Hyperions are higher than humanity??
IDK ma'an... Im pretty High. And Age is on my side 🙏😎🥓👎
different bridge to the same continent
That guy has great showmanship 👍
Great delivery. But in all seriousness...
I was High 😏
machines to save our lives
^^ Describes the modern zombie well.
So why would your comment get "steamcleaned" damn I am already re-sick of seeing that fuck downvote everything LEGIT.
Entertaining but missed the boat on about 75% of the bigger picture.
Who is calling you dude?