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RE: First shots in WW III fired by China in Sea of Oman?

in #informationwar6 years ago

What bugs me the most is the fact that the media doesn't question anything. Who shot the video? Why not show the entire video? How did they know to go there in the first place? I don't see fire or smoke in the video, so how would we know when that footage was shot? Is that the actual ship that was attacked? Has anyone questioned the Helicopter Pilot? How do we know the smaller vessel is from Iran? Why does the crew of the Japanese Tanker tell a different story? Why would Iran, while Mr. Abe is in Tehran trying to get Iran to the negotiating table, attack a Tanker belonging to their Japanese customer? The list of questions goes on, but the media fails to come up with a single relevant question and instead chooses to regurgitate what they are being told by people who weren't there. I agree, those attacks could have been carried out by any number of entities in the region.


Excellent commentary. I concur with every word of it.


Those are some great points man. Yeah how did they know to go there? Like why was a camera man floating around in the middle of the sea? So many questions.. hmm...

You are one smart dude Onno.

I have the perspective of a Camera operator, so my first thought is: Where is the Camera. The footage I saw in the news was likely shot from a Helicopter, Plane or a Drone, and judging by the poor image quality, possibly Military equipment where the footage isn't really clear due to distance and speed of the Aircraft carrying the Camera. This is my best guess based on what my own Cameras would produce, nothing more.

Yeah fantastic assessment Onno. I honestly had not thought of it. But now that you said it, a major light bulb has gone off for sure.

Thanks man

You're a waste of space. You've been flagged like the trash you are.

You're a waste of space. You've been flagged like the trash you are.