My personal favoured tactic that I think Israel should use against the Islamist terrorists is the one employed successfully by Jordan in their Black September campaign.
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My personal favoured tactic that I think Israel should use against the Islamist terrorists is the one employed successfully by Jordan in their Black September campaign.
is you mean this one it looks like a lot of bloodshed...
In your comment about catholics i think i found a better picture of what your view point is.
previously i was trying to convince you that islam is not bad at all but that does not appear to be the issue, as you seem to also be against catholics due to history.
your dislike about islam is not ideological caused but historically caused, hence since you sympathize with people of jewish descendancies you are rooting for them...
Perhaps there is though something you have missed in doing so:
through out history there were catholics kililng jews and muslims, muslims killing jews and catholics, protestants kiling catholics and vice versa, buddhists (myanmar example) killing muslims, atheists (china) killing all other religion, and after 2000 years being a minority finally jews killing muslims.
There seems to be little correlation on ideology on who is killing who, but who is the minority. not understanding someone else's complicated belief system is making people hard to understand, hence people feel fear towards them, blame them for something and use this blame as an excuse to kill the minority. Fearing what we dont understand is human nature.
i generally believe people are raised to do good. merging palestine and israel will clear boundaries of misunderstanding, and with the right nudge, such as helping bring understanding among each other i believe people will be willing to go along with each other.
it seems clear to me that there has been some demonization of the other side. the timesofgaza twitter link i posted showed videos of normal israeli citizen attacking palestinian pedestrians, while my believe is that this citizen was thinking that this pedestrian was the same as a terrorist for being palestinian, which is a clear misunderstanding. then experiencing this inhumane treatment from israel probably some palestinians will feel hate towards israeli and think they do this because they are inhuman. it is misunderstanding and unknowing that causes people to hate each other. people are taught in all religions that its good to do good and hence will have intentions in doing good.
i believe you were also having sympathetic thoughts towards israel when you suggested such bloody solution, because i know i am talking to another human somewhere.
if this did not convince you then i did not grasp your view point, and i must ask you to elaborate.