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RE: Epstein Island- Pedogate: The Zionist Connection

Were the Rothschilds Bonapartists when they supported Napoleon?
Why are they Zionists?
If they are so powerful and Zionists why did they give away %78 of british mandate palestine to form the kingdom of jordan and let another %5 of the land right in the middle of Israel be occupied by her enemies?

Your post seems to give an easy pass to the Vatican intimating that the Vatican's problems are limited to the present pope(actually that's in a comment). It only lightly touches on Jesuit involvement and the fact that the Rothschilds are Vatican Bankers.

Does the tail wag the dog?

Those in Palestine were getting along fine for centuries before 1948.

This is garbage history, being a Dhimmi is not getting along just fine, read Marx's (a German Jew-hating Jew) description of the Jews in Jerusalem for a tale of squalor and misery under Islamic rule.

Or watch this first hand account of jewish life under islamic rule and ethnic cleansing of the entire middle east (where they had lived long before the Arabs came and colonized it)

The Forgotten Refugees - 1,000,000 Jews Expelled

Or how about the Farhud of 1941 when the Arabs of palestine's leader ( A Nazi) the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem ethnically cleansed the entire Jewish population of Iraq.

The Khazar Theory for the origin of the Ashkenazi From the excellent book The Thirteenth Tribe, is I feel erroneous but that's a post length discussion which I've been meaning to get to for some time.

This article and this video has a lot of things I disagree with which I will write about in upcoming posts and I hope you will comment on them, undoubtedly the Jews you name in this post are guilty of the crimes you charge them with and I did not miss your disclaimer in the beginning and here is my own disclaimer, the overwhelming majority of the Catholics and Muslims (and jews for that matter)I have met are generous, kind and good hearted people.
That will not stop me from standing against the ideology that enforces thought crime, enslaves entire nations(not with intricate conspiracies but the sword and flames)

I hope this doesn't seem too harsh, it is not my intention to condemn you but only to discuss this topic.


The problem in the Catholic Church began around the turn of the 20th century if not before- it is the heresy of modernism. It became manifest in Vatican II (1968). My opinion is that we've had one real pope since Pius X ... JP I. He lasted a month before they murdered him.

The only Jews I'm condemning are the spawn of the Babylonian Pharisees... It's the Zionist Rothschilds and their diaspora. I've had many friends that were Jews and what you say is true... Most people are good regardless of their origins. You must have missed the part where I said there are two types of people Good and Bad- and that's a choice.

What I see is an unholy triangle. London (financial), The Vatican (religious) and New York (the UN- political)

I didn't miss that, but I still disagree with a lot in the article, including but not limited to your(and most peoples) conflation of the Pharisees and the Sadducees.
I would say the problem with the Catholic Church started with the Albigensian Crusade, continued on with 700 years of Inquitision and the Counter-Reformation was a real piece of work, I'll get to their actions in the present era.
All I'm saying is the Vatican has a program for world dominance that it has shown with real overt action time and time again.