This short video shows how again and again the Palestinian Arabs have refused to accept even the most generous two-state solution and instead opted for war. It shows how from the beginning Arab Palestinians were given more rights than they had ever had under Ottoman rule. Right from the start it was the Arabs who were the aggressors attacking Jews with impunity for no reason other than religious hatred based on the Koran.
To appease the Arab supremacists seventy-eight percent of British Mandate Palestine was designated a Jew free area and turned it into the Muslim ethno-state Jordan. Just like Britain during the Second World found out appeasing Supremacist Clerical Fascists just gets you walked over like a dirty mat. That is because these National Socialist Arab Supremacists and their Clerical Fascist allies don't want peace they just want one more piece until they take everything and drive the Jews into the sea.
If it walks like a duck...
And quacks like a duck...
Then it's a duck!

Or an Iron Eagle!
The emblem used by the Palestinian National Authority as well as the State of Palestine features the pan-Arab colors of the Palestinian flag on a shield carried by the Eagle of Saladin. Below it flies a scroll with the Arabic text "فلسطين", "Palestine".
Notice the colours on the crest, these are the colours of the Pan-Arab Movement an Arab Nationalist Movement.

PLO emblem
The emblem of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) shows the Palestinian flag above a map of "Palestine from the river to the sea", i.e. Palestine under the British Mandate (covering present-day Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip).
Notice the picture of Israel or the what they expect the future state of Palestine to be. They want everything. Notice how it's painted green, this is the colour of Islam, much is made of hidden occult symbolism showing the real intentions of our elite, well here is some out in the open symbolism shouting loud and clear the intentions of the Palestinian Arab's leadership.
They want all the land,
They want all the Jews killed or subjugated,
They want Islam to rule supreme first in Israel then the world!
This is a repost of an old article,
which I'm splitting into three parts for easier consumption.
Also the Mufti of Jerusalem met Hitler and planned the genocide of Jews in Mandatory Palestine. He is the founder of the Palestinian national movement.
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That's part 2
Curated for #informationwar (by @wakeupnd)
Ways you can help the @informationwar!
I wonder what this news coming out about a cure for cancer being found in Israel will do to the BDS movement. I mean those PDS believers should not accept a cure to cancer even if it cures a LOL
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Clerical Fascists have no problem with their own people dying so it won't be a problem for them.
Hahaha if you are sad to put the Israelis take them to your homeland and give them shelter, why we bear their filth and their settlement of our country
This land was theirs to begin with. It was taken away by force, which you were fine with. Now it has been taken back by force, this is not acceptable like the first time? interesting....
Your country is Jordan, Israel has been taken back from the Arab colonists, From the River to the Sea, Israel will be Free!
Rule by force is the disease, who and how are symptoms.
I certainly prefer freedom, although I tend doubt the robustness of voluntary or consensus rule(or organization or whatever term you please) when faced with outside threat from militant organization.
Tell it to the kurds?
They seem to be doing ok.
Other than being out numbered.
They did ok, in spain, until hitler loaned franco his bombers.
They bombed children from the air until the people submitted to rule by force.
Kinda like the united snakes do now in yemen.
Our problem is fakeducation, too many morons that won't read.
Too many rule following order takers, imo.
If you want freedom, no new sheriff is riding up to give it to you, you gotta take it where you can get it.
Especially concerning what you have been taught to think.
The revolution is won, or lost, in the few cubic inches behind our eyes.
Good for the Kurds, for using bottom to top democracy. Ten, twenty or even fifty years of existence is not proof of concept for me, I want a much longer period of stability for the rearing of my progeny.
Which is why I support the limited Monarchy of the Commonwealth which has protected my people from mass starvation, invasion and the worst aspects of tyranny for the past 500 years.
“Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.”
― Winston S. Churchill(He called it Democracy but I think we can call it more accurately representative parliamentary monarchy)
Good luck selling that to the masses,...
If irc, didnt yall's banks bend over for the fed?
I don't need to sell it, most of the english speaking world is already following, didn't we invent the whole idea of the fed with that whole City of London thing? Who can say, tons of corruption, so corrupt, unless you compare it to any other long lasting system.
Probably, y'all got some old money, for sure.
Rule by force is the disease, who and how are symptoms.
What a load of bulshit and Neo-Nazi Propaganda.
Which claim that I have made do you think is untrue? Neo-Nazi? Your funny, is that what you call people you disagree with?