Word Hijacking-Racism A New Dogmatic Definition

It is important to push for the understanding that racism is prejudice plus power and that, therefore, Third World people cannot be racist against Whites in the United States. Third World people can be prejudiced against Whites, but clearly they do not have the power to enforce that prejudice

Judith H. Katz in a prominent 1978 book, White Awareness: Handbook for Anti-Racism Training (1978)

Beware Of Socialist Pug Pirates Their Coming For Your Words!!!


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Racism= Power+Prejudice?????

Word hijacking a method of bending the truth so that
an effective tool in the informationwar, a way to win an argument by trying to change definitions .

During the twentieth century race has been the center of moral contention throughout the world, With both those who seek to end discrimination based on race and those who felt the only way to preserve their nation's was to war on their neighbors who were ethnically dissimilar.
With both sides thinking that they held the moral high ground.

Often those people on a moral crusade against racism caused a great amount of harm.

Those who used race as a rallying cry completely destroyed their countries.

Both systems of morality were used as a manipulation of nations by the various flavours of socialism.

Racism is prejudicial opinions with a will to prejudicial action.

One of the main methods of destabilization employed by socialists is racial division. In the prelude to revolution communists in Rhodesia framed their struggle (a better word would be agitation) as one seeking equality for everyone. Yet what happened in practice once power was achieved was not only the former hegemonic group's disenfranchisement but also the N'dbele who were a minority were pushed out of power by the dominant Shona.

In fact everytime Marxists achieved policies to correct historical racial prejudice it came with racial discrimination against other groups. So called reverse racism which is just race based discrimination.

This has been a glaring fault of anti-racist ideology, the fact that in order to end race based discrimination they were promoting race based discrimination.

Being contradictory and actually promoting what you claim to stand against is nothing new for leftist sympathy mongers and didn't bother them a bit.

Their detractors however were having a field day exposing leftist hypocrisy especially their constant denial of the racism of their favourite " oppressed people"


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What was to be done?

Change their evil ways?


Instead they decided to become word pirates and hijack the word RACISM.

The first promulgator of this strategy of deceit(although self delusion is a more apt description) was
Pat Bidol in her 1970 book, New Perspectives on Race.

Followed by Judith H. Katz in the more widely read White Awareness: Handbook for Anti-Racism Training (1978)

These to ladies wanted to separate racism and prejudice.

While most of us would agree that racism is prejudice based on race this led to a problem for champions of social justice.
When members of "oppressed" classes show racial hatred and commit heinous crimes such as the genocide in Bangladesh, or the Knockout "Game", this made them look bad and showed that they weren't really against racism but rather wanted to turn the tables with the oppressed masses as the shock troops propelling the upper-middle class socialist vanguard into power thus creating a perfect utopia, blah blah, famine,blah blah gulag, blah blah bill for the cost of a bullet sent to your family.

This is where the Word highjacking comes in, they changed the definition of racism from racially based prejudice to racism equalled racial prejudice plus institutional power or the even more racially charged current definition that racism is racial prejudice plus privilege.

Being that your born with your privilege, determined by your race this means that only white people can be racist!

Of all the racist presuppositions this one takes the cake!

Having met and known many different kinds of people I can tell you that every different kind of person thinks their better than every other kind of person. In the town I grew up in we thought we were better than the people across the river (because we were) and they thought they were better ( stupid flat landers).

I recently challenged @dirges accusations of Barbara Bush's racism and his apologia for Randa Jarrar's tasteless comments.

When I pointed out that their reasons for calling Barbara Bush racist were possibly racist in themselves, they responded with "you don't understand the definition of racism."

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After a bit of good hearted banter @dirge decided to bow out but this shows that we must be vigilant against those who would change the meanings of words when their dishonesty is exposed. I would like to state that I am against racism and only believe in the human race.

I would like to thank @dwinblood for inviting me to try out the Word Hijacking style post.


Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance: Word Hijacking
Our Purpose

The new racism has to couple prejudice with privilege because black people have a lot of institutional power especially with a black president. They had to couple prejudice with privilege so they could shame the majority of white people who do not have institutional power but need to be brainwashed into accepting the rule of Communists.

@dirge must have unhappily found himself in double-bind. If the distinction between "legitimate" racialism and "illegitimate" racialism is based on racialism, then that is racialist. So either he admit that some kinds of racialism are right and permissible or concur that his definition is racialist which would then logically entail he condones certain kinds of racialism.

This word hijacking is so common. It is often the case that identitarian opponents of this falsified definition of racialism will take an equally absurd stance, accepting the premise that there is only one race, the "human race," by saying, "There is no such thing as racism" or "Only bigots think the 'races' are different."

There are races. Scientists recognize greater differences in the physiological quality of human beings between races than between individuals within a race. The pseudo-scientific idea of racialism has got into people's heads, but in-group - out-group prejudice based on differences in appearance, language, customs, etc., has existed since our animal ancestry.

you've been @held by the @heclgang
we'll share your post ;)

Anger is also another weapon that is used to make weaker people cower, and inspire "leadership". Because the person yelling must be yelling for a reason(weaker people rationalize)

We have to wary about anyone who would take the humanity away from their opposition. Racism is an easy tool to do so, the very act of labeling something other than what you would like to be called can dehumanize them. When we no longer see a group as human or "as human as us" it can be a lot less difficult to act in way we normally would find abhorrent. We lose sight of our own sense of self in those circumstances.

Very true, this a huge problem our societies face right now.

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Buying into racism is like buying a Leprechaun.

There are no different races of people.

Look at it from a DNA standpoint that we have with Dogs. You have all these different dogs, but the one thing they all are is a Dog. The reason we don't have races of Dog is because it is recognized that using breading you can create different Breeds of Dog. So you hear people all the time talking about the different breeds, but still dogs.

It is the same with People. There are many shapes and sizes, but at the end of the day none of them are of a different race and are still people.

You know however that some people will still purchase the Leprechaun and some people will continue purchasing the race.

Sadly you are two right about the word hist. There is no other way to take such things, but as the clue of dishonesty and immorality that it is. Nice post.
