Foreign interventions are both inefficient and injust unless it is in support of a revolutionary movement already in progress in that country - and even then, we should not send in conventional forces. If there is a pro-freedom revolutionary movement underway in that country with leadership that is actually capable of taking the reigns of state, then we can consider training them, funding them, and arming them. But "liberating" countries that have no democratic or classical liberal traditions whose people show no sign of having a desire for or ability to implement freedom within the context of the rule of law results in the necessity of long term occupation. It's not a good idea. The Green Movement in Iran is something we should have supported, e.g. "Liberating" Iraq was a mistake. Invading Venezuela would be a mistake. We should look for pro-freedom leaders in Venezuela and establish relationships with them and help them organize. If the Venezuelan people put their own blood and sweat on the line, then they'll actually be able to run their own country once they take it back.
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Wow @pjcomposer, thank you for your great insight. I think it is important that if a revolutionary movement is already in progress, we can support them and actually bring about an relatively effective change. What if, the people and its government have been trying and are unable to bring a positive change by themselves? Should we ignore them, or should someone come in and try to influence otherwise. Cause it seems like whenever there is political distress in a country, the poorest and the people most in need seem to suffer the most. They don't have have the luxury of waiting for a revolutionary from Within.
What do you think sir?
It's kind of like teaching a kid to ride a bike. You can help them, but you can't peddle for them. If there is insufficient public will to stand up leadership and followership, then government overthrow is a fool's errand. If the only problem is access to resources, then yes, that's something we can justify helping them with, I think. But if it's a lack of public will, then there's nothing we can do. The people have to want to be free to be able to implement freedom.
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