You are a victim of the notion that Christianity is a religion. Well, it is not. Religions have dogma. Christianity doesn’t have one. Catolicism is a religion. Orthodoxy is a religion (both loosely leaning on Christianity) Islam is a religion. Christianity is an ideology of a sustainable and free world. It is not what Church is teaching you.
true definition of Christianity!99.999% of the Christians will disagree with you, but what do they know. You're the One to define Christianity. They are all wrong, @lighteye is the one with the
If you like to be a slave, it’s your choice. Not Jesus nor anyone else will prevent you to be a slave.
Lucky me!
Well, then, you and I know different kind of Christians, don’t we? Christian I know are aware that Christianity existed before the Church. I have an old Syrian Godfather, whose family keeps history of Christianity before Church, and they know what it is. Also a few philosophers, one of which allowed me to put up his book at Steemit. It is you my friend, who is living inside the prejudice of the Matrix.
You see, Donald Trump declares as a Christian, but he murders people with bombs and sanctions all over the world. His fat clown Mike Pompeo, also declares as a Christian, and look what he is proud of:
And both of them have made Bloody Gina Haspel head of CIA. That is a satanism under the label of “Christianity” — because that is possible in the Matrix. If you believe that they are Christians, then you are lost forever. Christians I know do not invade countries and kill people. Christians I know are against the war.
Who are your Christians?
No true Christian, again?
Trump is a Christian, so is Pompeo and a couple of billions people more. They all lie, cheat, steal and go to war. And that's been true since the birth of Christianity.
There are quite a few saints that went to war.
I have none.
Again, you do not read, and even less comprehend. Christian is the one who acts according to Christ’s words, not the one who held a label “Christian”. Hence, you can recognize false Christians by their deeds. Considering them Christians makes you an apologist of their deeds at worst. Can you understand so much or will you be amazed once again?
You really can’t have any Christians, because you don’t know what Christianity is. And it is interesting with ignorants… the less they know, the more they think they are right, totally scared of learning the truth.
And we are back at the start where you put yourself as the arbiter of who is and who isn't a Christian. What qualifies you to do so? An old Syrian Godfather? A few philosophers that you know? A few losers that understand the World and have the solutions to all its problems yet live in their parents' basements unable to make a living on their own?
Fuck 2+ billions of people that consider themselves to be Christian and disagree with you. They are wrong, they are not true Christians, they are Satanists and you are the one true Christian and arbiter of truth.
Lack of humility and the passive-aggressive attacks, the hallmark of a true Christian.
I have given you the criteria who is a Christian. You didn’t gave any criteria. You think that anyone who calls themselves Christian is one, despite YOUR sentence: “They all lie, cheat, steal and go to war.” So you don’t see a logical fallacy in your own words, and want to teach others what you “know”?
And yes, I have a contact with scholars, I know philosophers, and I did manage to gather a bit of knowledge. Did you read at least one philosophy book? You think you are better then them? Did you try to go to College? You know, when your last and the lowest argument is…
…then it means you’ve lost a dispute.
Your lack of self-awareness is truly astounding.