Are you disgusted with the fact that I am so aptly providing evidence that Steem HF23 is not theft?
Not disgusted, you weren't cheering over it. Just disagree(d).
I hope with this final post in the series we can all see that I am not some boot-licking Tron Foundation turncoat.
Hah, don't think anyone thought that. You remind me of a man I was talking with before I jumped into Steem. He was/is a Bitcoin purist and a hacker (not for evil hacker). He mined Bitcoin very early and had quite a bit of it. He still worked and when I asked him why, he would express his disgust that people were tying money to Bitcoin, that it wasn't the purpose to be speculated on. While you don't go that far, your outlook is one of the closest to his I've encountered. Which means we can't see eye to eye on some of this. I remember reading about the Ethereum hack, and how it split the community there when they rolled back to recover the stolen coins. I remember shaking my head at those who were against it, not understanding the purist sentiment that would allow for the theft to stand.
Going to stop now, as I get what you're saying enough to feel my last sentence before this might cross into an area where you shake your head I'm not getting it, lol. I respect that you have the balls to not only present this argument, but explain why you stick by it.
I think you understand the issue pretty well.
Especially now that we have discussed it at such great length.
You can understand the merits of an argument but still ultimately disagree.