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RE: Obamanation: Obama's Army of Progressive Activists

I was amazed at the level of violence tolerated by the right during the elections and speaking engagements since. Of course the media always spins it as the loving peaceful protestors fearful of those nazi haters who talk hate speech like self dependence and responsibility. At some point this will explode. I know if I had been at the events they protested (rioted) at I would not have been chased as I don't run.

How are you feeling? I have been concerned since the other day when you weren't feeling well.


I'm feeling a bit better thanks... I went to the doc and got some meds. I have to go back for tests and see a specialist next week.

I'm with you, I don't run- and I pack a Sig .45. I bet I could turn some left wing thugs around pretty fast! My problem is that I live in Arkansas and people just tend to get along here.