My friend,
There is no such thing as "normal"
There is what is claimed to be normal by those with the power of money creation as they hand their instructions of what is normal to their powerful agencies, news stations and school systems, to name just a few. Back in my day, they at least pretended they were moral, now they hold up the most debased behaviors as empowerment.
The scary fact is that there is an upper level of folks who think they own us, that we are their cattle to use for whatever sick and depraved ideas they have as they work us in inhumane ways to get as much bang for their buck out of our bodies. They poison us so we need their medications. They pollute everything about everyone and call that "normal" and if you don't fall in line you have mental issues. Tinfoil hat.
Look, all of us to some degree are self centered. Something would be severely jacked if we weren't, seeing as we hold the responsibility for steering our bodies, and reap all rewards and repercussions. But I would ask you put aside these crazy notions that something is wrong with you because you look at all these zombies who put all their energy into false narratives and you can't bring yourself to hook yourself onto those rings that steal the energy. You have only a set amount of energy and it is foolish the way most of society gives theirs away on frivolous illusions, living like some damn ghost as they allow themselves to be part of another's programming.
You see above all of this, and that is why you are held in such esteem. There is more to life than clubbing, Kartrashians and the latest soap opera drama the actors in politics would latch your attention onto. I hold you in high regard, and that is not something the average person can say. I look around and see ghosts everywhere, giving their souls over to their social masters as they await their next lines. Those like yourself are few in that crowd.
Wow. Where do I start? This is the only place I visit where the people have such thoughtful insights, and obviously I have been gone too long. You're right, what is "normal"? Normal is what they tell us to be. Normal is ignorant and shallow. You think critically and rightly so, whereas I've been out here so long that I forget my worth in the mist of all the conformity. I latched onto this diagnosis as if it were a life saver to rescue me from the discomfort of it all. That said, it would be nice to at least pretend every once in a while to get by and avoid the negative energy from others. I am so glad you hold me in high regard still too! Thank you for this! :D
Glad to see you back. Hope that things have smoothed out somewhat.