Tried that in court - The magistrate made it quite clear that consent is not required and neither is jurisdiction - He said "an internet defence will not be accepted..... Unless you have evidence to the contrary to prove your innocence you are guilty" - this evidence must be filed as a counter claim before you go to court or it will not be accepted - even then, if you can prove that they have broken the law, they may (probably will) refuse to accept your evidence.
The last time i was in court they just said they had no evidence of my written defence... Which seemed strange because my defence was in the same envelope as all the other court paperwork which was used as evidence by the claimant / prosecution. That alone shows that the court colluded with the claimant / prosecution before the trial - But then as the prosecution is the claimant, it's obviously in their best interest to lose my defence.
Also they can make up new claims in court - for which you cannot file any counter claim , rebuttal or contrary evidence - the magistrate will also collude with the claimant to move the new claim before the court - for which you are automatically guilty.
i don't think i will ever go back to a Magistrates court knowing that the Magistrate and Court are fraudulent, treasonous and corrupt.
Lots of people say "try this, i heard this should work" but it's never "first hand information" - what they say may still work in the US where they still have a sliver of common law, but not here in Australia.
i think the only way to win is to use a good lawyer and move a counter claim at the High Court, (Queens Bench) if you can find a lawyer that will agree to represent you and if you can afford it.
oh - and just so you don't think i'm some criminal with all these court appearances, they are a result of false claims made by the police - because i made a formal complaint about a police officer who threatened to physically assault my wife at a random breath test. (Reasonable suspicion / probable cause is not required here!)
Keep up the good work - spreading the seeds of truth - the more people that can be educated in common law, the more we can resist these fraudsters....
I so agree with this statement in comments.
'i don't think i will ever go back to a Magistrates court knowing that the Magistrate and Court are fraudulent, treasonous and corrupt."
The history of common law is to run concurrent with the existing B.S. We stopped doing so and the B.S has gotten way out of hand. I think that one solution is to create our own educational system. Thus exposing them for the frauds they are. As more and more people begin to see them as a problem and not our saviors progress will inevitably ensue. That anyway is what I am trying to do here on steemit. May you not have to deal with the bull anymore.Peace.