Disinformation Warriors - Part II: David Brock, "Hire-A-Troll for Trillionaires"

in #informationwar8 years ago (edited)

David Brock
David Brock is a dingus.

Disinformation warriors today don't exactly need advanced mental or technical capability to suppress your ideas and even control your livelihood. While Vault 7 has given the public a look into just how technically advanced the Deep State has become at spying on the public and suppressing dissent, some disinformation warriors get by without just sticks and stones.

David Brock, founder of Media Matters, Correct the Record and owner of Shareblue is an example of just such an individual. Not only is David Brock the ex-boyfriend of Comet Ping Pong's James Achilles Alefantis, but his organizations have shut down political opponents and dissenting discussion through less technically advanced means such as overwhelming them on social media and getting them blackballed from the mainstream press.

More research on David Brock can be found on his page on the Pizzagate Wiki.

This is part of an ongoing series to catalogue and describe various government-sponsored groups and agencies which have directly participated in spreading disingenuous, "fake news" through the Internet and conducting cyberattacks in order to discredit or subvert opponents. This may provide a valuable tool and reference to Internet researchers who encounter such groups and strategies online.

Media Matters for America

Media Matters for America

Media Matters for America (MMfA), a non-profit media "watchdog" organization for the United States Democratic National Party, is David Brock's most famous organization. Founded in 2004, the official mission of Media Matters is to oversee the Republican Party's presence in the media and attempt to counteract this through a variety of means.(1) George Soros has been the chief financial backer for Media Matters since at least 2010.

On the surface Media Matters uses YouTube, blogs and social media to attack and discredit their opponents. Behind the scenes, however, they admit to actively blackballing their opponents from press outlets and having successfully done so in the past in the case of Rodger Stone, as was discovered by Project Veritas.(2)

Media Matters continues to function to this day, but many have considered its role to be increasingly less significant when compared to the more recently formed Correct the Record and Shareblue.

Correct the Record

Correct the Record

Correct the Record (CTR) is a "SuperPAC" founded by David Brock to support Hillary Clinton's 2016 Presidential Campaign. CTR would spend $1 million USD find and confront social media users who posted unflattering messages about Clinton and paid anonymous tipsters for unflattering scoops about Donald Trump, including audio and video recordings and internal documents. The organization's president, Brad Woodhouse, said they had:

about a dozen people engaged in [producing] nothing but positive content on Hillary Clinton...

Source: Wikipedia

All in all CTR would spend around $10 million USD in total on the 2016 campaign according to Open Secrets.(3) All of this would go towards "correcting" Redditors as well as members of Twitter and other social media. CTR can be found in countless Reddit threads, investigations and moderator oversights as having been involved in major censorship on subreddits such as /r/pizzagate, /r/the_donald and more. They even have an entire subreddit dedicated to correcting CTR themselves, known as /r/TheRecordCorrected.

On that note, CTR may have been one of the primary instigators for the eventual banning of the /r/pizzagate, /r/Operation_Berenstain and /r/CitizenInvestigators subreddits. David Brock was conveniently and intimately associated with all of the key individuals initially involved in this scandal: John Podesta, James Alefantis and Hillary Clinton.

Shareblue/True Blue Media LLC

David Brock's connections through Shareblue
David Brock's connections through Shareblue, from ZeroHedge

Shareblue is one of Brock's lesser known, but more nefariously-connected web-based groups. Shareblue and its owning corporation, True Blue Media LLC (also owned by Brock), run a website for producing videos and investigative reports in political opposition to President Donald J. Trump.(4) Many then rightfully consider Shareblue to be an extension of Correct the Record, whose official mission would have ended with Hillary Clinton's loss of the 2016 Presidential election.

Investigative reporters at Zero Hedge would find substantial evidence that Shareblue, and in particular True Blue CEO and ex-Clinton staffer Peter Daou, worked alongside the Chinese government, the City of London, Mexico, Israel, Saudi Arabia, the Clinton Foundation and other Middle Eastern Groups to subvert American politics and promote censorship.(5)

Chinese Tycoon Ke Xiping and the Chinese government bought influence in Shareblue and concealed the purchase as a mining deal. Employees of Shareblue also have strong ties to the PeaceWorks Foundation, which is run by Mexican billionaire Daniel Lubetzky.(6)

Independent researchers have also discovered a large number of Twitter and other social media accounts associated with Shareblue. The exact purpose of all these accounts is unknown, but it seems to be a personal social media brigade run by Shareblue.(7)


Excellent Information. Thank you for compiling and posting.
We'd like to keep an eye on ALL of David Brock's little projects.
AND how connected he is with the Clinton Foundation.

Keep up the good work.
~The Management
Imgur Resharing @phibetaiota

Thanks! It's another case where the scattered pieces start to look so much more sinister when all put together.

RDS is that you m8?

~The Management
ImgurRobert monitors the site but we are a loose affiliation of Open Sourcerers who wish to help promote Robert's Causes. We are the UNOFFICIAL and Open Source arm of the Earth Intelligence Network established on the Steem Blockchain. Please support @phibetaiota by following, voting, and sharing our posts. Open regards.
