Frankenmice... Aborted Fetal Tissue Fused Into Mice For Bizzarre Experiments

in #informationwar6 years ago

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 As the push for late term abortions and infanticide become more and more vicious, the science behind it becomes more and more bizarre. I wrote earlier about HEKs (Human Embryonic Kidney cells) being used as flavor enhancers in food, but now this "science" is being taken to another level completely... and as always, the American taxpayer is picking up the bill. "Aborted babies are being used in macabre experiments in the US that involve grafting dead fetus parts onto mice which are then used to test drugs." It makes one wonder where the line between science and science fiction really is- or if it exists at all anymore. 

 Having managed cemeteries for over 10 years one issue at the forefront of my mind was maintaining dignity... both for the remaining family members as well as the dead. Every human being, living or dead, deserves to be treated with dignity- not as a clump of spare parts to be used in Frankenstein-like experiments. We live in a culture where everyone is screaming for respect (the ones who deserve it the least are generally the loudest)- well then where is the respect for the unborn. Even if the mother doesn't have the requisite love and empathy to allow her child to be born, then she surely should have enough humanity left inside not to want her offspring to be parted out in what can only be described as inhuman treatment... grafted to a mouse??? 

 Of course at the center of this controversy is Planned Parenthood (PP). For anyone who doesn't understand how the political process works... Planned Parenthood is a slush fund for the Democratic Party. The Democratic lawmakers ensure funding for PP who in turn uses it to fund Democratic candidates who run for office. If PP says that babies harvested in partial-birth abortions or infanticide are worth more money, the Democrats will find a way to make it legal. 

 Planned Parenthood has denied profiteering from the sale of body parts but it did say mums can give permission to donate their unborn fetus, which it said was common practice in such clinics. Spokesperson Eric Ferrero said in a statement: “At several of our health centers, we help patients who want to donate tissue for scientific research, and we do this just like every other high-quality health care provider does.”  

 Having said that however:  “Aborted babies bodies are a very valuable commodity in today’s America. 

 “Research institutions, elite universities, medical centers pay a lot of money for baby parts.

”Undercover footage in an abortion clinic run by Planned Parenthood shows dismembered aborted babies, with arms, legs and other parts. 

 They were being shown to pro-life activists from the Centre for Medical Progress who were posing as buyers.  

 I've seen undercover video of people pretending to be buyers and former PP Director Cecile Richards with a cavalier attitude laughing about a "menu of baby parts." These people have absolutely no empathy for human life. " Technocracy views human life on the same level as animals, so Technocrat scientists see no ethical dilemma in using aborted baby parts in medical experiments with animals. Planned Parenthood remains in the middle of this controversy." This graphic shows how the process works... 

  A so-called “humanised mouse” is created by first destroying a rodents immune system by subjecting it to radiation.Livers or the thymus glands are then fused with them.In about 10 weeks the mice develop human-like immunity and are ready to be experimented on.  

 I don't suppose that mice matter much to the abortion-supporting animal rights activists at PETA!  The controversial use of body parts is being spearheaded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), which is part of the American government which is ploughing $98million (£75m) of taxpayers’ money into using aborted babies in the name of science.  

 Michael Snyder of the Freedom Outpost asks: Is it okay for the U.S. government to pay for scientific experiments involving bizarre mouse/human hybrid creatures that were created by grafting aborted baby parts on to mice?  Needless to say, the answer to that question is self-evident.  Our tax dollars are being used to fund experiments that are so sickening that it is difficult to find words to describe how evil they are.  What you are about to read is deeply unsettling, but we must get the word out about this because most Americans have no idea that this is happening.  And we must do everything in our power to stop this because there is no future for any nation that engages in this sort of extreme evil. And evil is exactly what this is. 

 Mike Adams of Natural News poses this very important question... 

 What is the age after birth at which Democrats think murdering a child should no longer be allowed? Is post-birth “abortion” (murder) to be legalized up to 100 days? Two years? Five years? If it’s a “woman’s choice,” then can’t the woman make that choice at any age, according to the twisted logic of Leftists?  

 The Gospel of St. John 8:44 elucidates the Democrat/Left position on abortion perfectly... 

  Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.  

 Snyder sums up by saying:  

 We are a nation that has already killed 60 million children, and if we keep doing this there will be no future for America. 

 More abortions are performed at Planned Parenthood than anywhere else, and the federal government gives Planned Parenthood approximately 500 million dollars every year. 

 Planned Parenthood sells aborted baby parts to the highest bidder, and those baby parts are being used in some of the sickest scientific experiments imaginable. 

 In addition to funding Planned Parenthood, the federal government also spends millions of dollars each year funding those experiments.  

 We are engaged in a war... a war for the soul of our nation.  

 New York’s ‘Reproductive Health Act’ brought shock and awe to the entire country, by legalizing full-term abortions, and decriminalizing it. As barbaric as this all is, no one seems to be focused on the nurses and midwives’ addition to this bill, who coincidentally have been trained by the Clinton Health Access Initiative, Partners in Health, Planned Parenthood, and the Ivy League schools, for over two decades. While everyone is still trying to catch their breath, the reality of what lies ahead, may unfortunately include unthinkable, sinister acts. Based on past events, actions, and evidence of fetal tissue and body parts being sold, new “youth” blood clinics opening their doors, and prior experimentation on prison babies, it’s time to wake from the shock, and pay very close attention. This is both a physical and spiritual battle – armor up. They just legalized allowing a new born baby to suffer and die outside of the womb, if they did not succeed with the abortion procedure. This is murder in the worst degree.  

 Wherever evil lurks the Clinton Foundation is never far away... 

  In fact, that same year in 2012, the Clinton Global Initiative announced that Planned Parenthood Federation of America was committing to combat the vulnerability of youth to unintended pregnancy, unsafe abortion, HIV/AIDS and other STDs, as well as cultural taboos around age and sexuality. They planned on training youth leaders in the U.S., Africa, and Latin America. [Emphasis added] This is at the same time that Hillary was Sec. of State.

 As you can see, this goes far past grafting fetal tissue to mice... a horror in and of itself... that's just a symptom of a far greater sickness, a sickness of the soul that includes the murder of the most vulnerable members of society, human/child sex trafficking and medical experiments that would make Dr. Moreau wince. When human life no longer has any intrinsic value there is nothing that isn't possible in the name of profit! 


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Very disturbing information, but unsurprising.
From what I understand, parts of many aborted foetuses and even stillborns have been sold to laboratories without the knowledge of the parent/s.

The human body, once the triumph of God's creation has been relegated to the same status as animals by the Satanists. There is no more honor and dignity- only spare parts to be sold off like an old car.