I'm not sure how many people follow IPOT (In Pursuit of Truth) but he's really outdone himself with this video... I also don't usually start out with a video and if I do it's usually a much longer one- but this is important. This war declared by the Weatherman and their allies on the American people never ended, in fact, if anything it's ramped up. They're everywhere, these anti-American soldiers, in Congress, in academia, in the news media, even the White House. Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Sobarkah was mentored by the woman in the video clip and her friend William Ayers, not a professor at the University of Chicago.
These people haven't given up, in fact the opposite is true, they've almost accomplished their objective- taking over the government. They just changed their methods, instead of bombing government buildings as they did in the 1960s and 70s, they infiltrated the Democrat Party and have successfully taken it over. The Democrats are now a hodgepodge of Communists, Socialists and Democratic Socialists; all the same animal in different guises. Their plan is the same, to implement a totalitarian government by ANY and ALL means necessary including killing or imprisoning in "re-education camps" any resistance. This "plan" has been covered in numerous videos including one by the SGT. Report.
The mainstream media is complicit in this plan, as most in the alt media are already aware- they are and have been since the 1970s, the propaganda wing of the Democrat Party. They no longer report news, only the talking points provided them every morning. Ever wonder why every news outlet reports the same thing- in exactly the same way? Because it all comes from the same source, and the intent is not to inform, but to indoctrinate. As Joseph Goebbels realized early on, whoever controls the flow of information controls the society. This is why the internet is being so heavily censored, opposing views are a threat to hegemony. College campuses have strict speech codes and any opposing views are quickly and often violently silenced.
These radicals have not only taken over the Democrat Party but much of the bureaucracy as well. Their plan is now 50 years in the making and nearly complete. They have an army as well and it grows with every illegal alien that comes across the southern border, along with "refugees" from the middle east. These are more than just Democratic voters- have you ever wondered why most of the "migrant workers" from Central America are all draft-age males, including MS-13? This is an army of violent thugs, not immigrants yearning to be free.
Beware America, war has been declared and it's been going on right under your noses for the last 50 years without you ever noticing. The television lies- that's why what's on it is called PROGRAMMING. You are being unknowingly being led to the slaughter, by the same people who run for office telling you that they feel your pain. These are the same radicals from the 60's and 70's, only their methods have changed... but one thing you can take to the bank- their agenda is still the same. Think about this- the Obama administration bought 25,000 guillotines, I wonder what they're for?
This is a warning, as is the movie. America is under siege, not only from without but from within. Make no mistake these people are traitors and you elected Obama by a landslide to prove that you're not racists. Well, they are and the race that they hate is you. The Weathermen Part 2 in in the making, and will explore further how far the plan of the 60's radicals has come to fruition. Beware, America, beware.
Can you source the guillotines?
and what is behind them is even worse- The Dark Occult with knowledge of the ancients that they use against us... the best thing anyone can do for themselves is understand and follow Natural Law - do unto others as you would have others do unto you - study the kybalion and understand those laws and all their ramifications. Do your own shadow work. Raise your consciousness and then help others to do the same. That's our only chance to save humanity and our beautiful brothers and sisters, the other sentient beings who we share the planet with.
Call David Icke, The reptilians are out their cages!
All hail Eris!@!
Highly rEsteemed!
IPOT is Great!